General Electric T58 - Wikipedia
The General Electric T58 is an American turboshaft engine developed for helicopter use. First run in 1955, it remained in production until 1984, by which time some 6,300 units had been built. On July 1, 1959, it became the first turbine engine to gain FAA certification for civil helicopter use.
50 Years and Counting for the GE T58 Engine
2007年4月4日 · Originally conceptualized in the early 1950s, the T58 was designed under sponsorship of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as a lightweight, compact helicopter powerplant. The T58 was GE's first small turbine engine and, by the early 1960s, it had evolved into one of the bread-and-butter production engine programs for the Lynn plant.
GE T-58 - Minijets
The General Electric GE T58 is an American turboshaft engine developed for helicopter use. First run in 1955, it remained in production until 1984, by which time some 6,300 units had been built. On July 1, 1959, it became the first turbine engine to gain FAA certification for civil helicopter use.
The T58 is one of the most reliable helicopter engines in the world. The T58 turboshaft engine - the engine that would power the Sikorsky Sea King helicopter that recovered the Apollo astronauts and still powers Marine One - the helicopter of the U.S. president since the Kennedy administration - was born in 1953 with the
GE各型燃机大杂烩 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
就是用在直升机上的T58的航改型,1967年之前在舰船动力和工业燃机领域的两个主力机型之一 。 后来授权给Havilland (后来被 罗罗 收购) ,也就是 Gnome 、 Alfa Romeo 和 IHI 三个型号. 应用包括:V – 169燃机机车. LM1500; 9MW
General Electric T58-GE-8F Turboshaft Engine - Smithsonian Institution
Developed under a 1953 U.S. Navy contract, the T58 was GE's first small gas turbine aircraft engine. Its first flight took place in 1957 in a modified Sikorsky HSS-1F helicopter powered by two YT58 engines. More than 6,000 T58 and CT58 (civilian version) engines were built between 1956 and 1984, most for military helicopters.
50 Years... And Counting... For GE Aviation's T58 Helo Engine
Originally conceptualized in the early 1950s, the T58 was designed under sponsorship of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as a lightweight, compact helicopter powerplant. The T58 was GE's first...
engine with high power-to-weight ratio. The T58. engine consists of two basic sections. These sec- since these rotors rotate in opposite directions.
T58-GE-8F - Nye Thermodynamics
The General Electric T58 is a free-shaft axial flow gas turbine. The compressor has 10 stages with variable inlet guide vanes and variable stators on the first three stages. The compression ratio is 8.4:1, it flows approximately 13.7 lb/s (11,000 cfm) @ 27,300 rpm.
GE T58 SERIES Aircraft Engine | Aircraft Data
2 天之前 · Details on the GE T58 SERIES aircraft engine, based on current FAA records. Data presented on this website is sourced directly from official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) records.