Land Model - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
It is an interactive component of GFDL’s Earth System Models. This new integrated land model, LM3, has improved capabilities to represent snow and rain interception on vegetation, as well as water phase change in the soil and snow pack. LM3 includes water storage and flow through the global river network.
GFDL Earth System Models - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics …
GFDL has constructed Earth System Models (ESMs) to advance our understanding of how the Earth’s biogeochemical cycles, including human actions, interact with the climate system. Like GFDL’s physical climate models, these simulation tools are based on an atmospheric circulation model coupled with an oceanic circulation model, with ...
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
What Are the Finger-like Clouds in the Hurricane Inner-core Region? February 10, 2025 – The inner core region of hurricanes harbors complex dynamical features, including small-scale clouds characterized by finger-like appearances pointing toward the hurricane eye. These features have been frequently observed in intense hurricanes.
GMD - Overview of the Norwegian Earth System Model …
2020年12月4日 · NorESM2-LM (Fig. 14a) is warmer still, and overestimates the near-surface temperatures in the Arctic and in the global mean, with a bias of 0.43 K. NorESM2-MM has the best overall performance also in terms of the global-mean RMSE, with 1.35 K compared to 1.62 K for NorESM2-LM, and 1.83 K for NorESM1-Happi, and 1.86 K for NorESM1-M (see Fig. 14).
ACP - Climate-driven chemistry and aerosol feedbacks in CMIP6 …
2021年1月27日 · NorESM2-LM has a large ERF for doubled dust emissions but a small change in dust emission for 4xCO2, whereas GFDL-ESM4 has a large change in emissions but a small ERF. Dust–aerosol feedback assessments are a relatively new area of research due to the large uncertainties of climate models in simulating dust aerosols with changes in atmospheric ...
GitHub - lharris4/GFDL_quick_tracks: A simple vortex and feature ...
QT is especially useful for identifying large numbers of cyclones in long datasets to produce climatologies or statistical seasonal/annual forecasts. QT is used heavily within GFDL to track TCs in the SHiELD models or in SPEAR; and previously in HiRAM and FLOR.
CMIP6: GFDL-ESM4 - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The GFDL Global Atmospheric Chemistry‐Climate Model AM4.1: Model Description and Simulation Characteristics
predict_subdaily_met — predict_subdaily_met • …
It takes a dataset with daily resolution and temporally downscales it to hourly resolution using the statistics generated by gen.subdaily.models(). It references the predict.subdaily.function located in lm_ensemble_sims() which uses a linear regression based approach to downscale.
2024年9月5日 · 本文主要介绍如何使用两种大模型部署工具——**Ollama** 和 **LM-Studio**,在本地环境下部署 DeepSeek。 内容涵盖了两个工具的特征与优势、官方下载链接、安装与下载 大模型 的关键步骤,以及通过表格对 DeepSeek 不同版本的性能要求、模型 文件 大小和擅长领域进 …
CMIP6简介与数据工具ACCCMIP6介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
美国劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室(LLNL)的气候模式诊断和比较计划项目(PCMDI)多年来一直对CMIP计划提供支持,包括确定该计划的Scope,提供下载的平台等。 目前,CMIP6数据的下载仍主要由LLNL支持的网站获取。 然而,考虑到巨量的、不同层级试验的CMIP6数据,通过CMIP6网站手动搜索下载极为繁琐不便。 Taufiq Hassan开发了基于 Python 的acccmip6工具包,能够查找并下载任意的模型、实验、变量、领域等组合下的文件,并实现对下载过程的监控 …
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