Pin1At regulates PIN1 polar localization and root gravitropism
2016年1月21日 · Here we show that a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase Pin1At regulates root gravitropism. Downregulation of Pin1At suppresses root agravitropic phenotypes of pp2aa and 35S:PID, while...
Developmental Nuclear Localization and Quantification of GFP …
2016年1月4日 · We addressed root development, tissue architecture and root developmental zonation by means of light-sheet microscopic imaging of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings expressing END BINDING protein 1c (EB1c) fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of native EB1c promoter.
Osmotic stress represses root growth by modulating the …
2021年8月22日 · In our study, we found that PIN3 expression was significantly reduced under osmotic stress by using RT-qPCR, consistent with lower expression of PIN3-GFP in the mannitol-treated roots, suggesting that osmotic stress reduces PIN3 expression to …
A root cap-localized NAC transcription factor controls root
2024年3月7日 · Our findings uncover an SMB-AUX1-auxin module linking the role of the root cap to the activation of root halotropism. Plant roots exhibit plasticity to sense and cope with ever-changing...
Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in ...
2023年9月4日 · Here we show how the components mediating gravitropism in the vertical primary root—PINs and phosphatases acting upon them—are reconfigured in their regulation such that lateral root growth at...
Cytokinin Signaling and Its Inhibitor AHP6 Regulate Cell Fate …
2006年1月6日 · We demonstrate that in Arabidopsis, cytokinin phytohormones negatively regulate protoxylem specification. AHP6, an inhibitory pseudophosphotransfer protein, counteracts cytokinin signaling, allowing protoxylem formation. Conversely, cytokinin signaling negatively regulates the spatial domain of AHP6 expression.
A mobile miR160-triggered transcriptional axis controls root stem …
2025年2月3日 · We generated transcriptional reporters by fusing a triple green fluorescent protein (GFP) with a nuclear localization signal to the approximate 3-kb upstream DNA sequences from the start codons of ARF10, ARF16, and ARF17, respectively (pARFs:nls3xGFP).
The first intron of ARF7 is required for expression in root tips
2024年6月21日 · In roots, ARF7 regulates growth, gravitropism and redundantly with ARF19, lateral root organogenesis. In this study we analyzed ARF7 cis -regulation, using different non-coding sequences of the ARF7 locus to drive GFP. We show that constructs containing the first intron led to increased signal in the root tip.
The SHORT-ROOT Gene Controls Radial Patterning of the Arabidopsis Root ...
2000年5月26日 · Asymmetric cell divisions play an important role in the establishment and propagation of the cellular pattern of plant tissues. The SHORT-ROOT (SHR) gene is required for the asymmetric cell division responsible for formation of ground tissue (endodermis and cortex) as well as specification of endodermis in the Arabidopsis root.
A mobile miR160-triggered transcriptional axis controls root stem …
2025年2月3日 · Here, we show that in the Arabidopsis root, microRNA160 (miR160) moves from stele stem cells (SSCs) to the QC, where it degrades the mRNAs of two auxin response factors, ARF10 and ARF17. This degradation relieves BRAVO from direct transcriptional repression, maintaining QC quiescence.