What does a GFR of 43 indicate? - JustAnswer
Your doctor can calculate it from the results of your blood creatinine test, your age, race, gender and other factors. I hope this helps. A value of 43 indicates a moderate decrease in GFR as determined by the National Kidney Foundation. If your GFR falls below 30 you will need to see a kidney disease specialist (called a nephrologist).
How can my husband raise his GFR from 43 to 60s? - JustAnswer
Usually with diabetes and high blood pressure there is a gradual and eventual drop in the GFR level and so controlling those 2 factors will be quite important and the insult to the heart also likely decreased the function levels.
I have a gfr of 43 and bun of 26 and creatine of 1.3 ... - JustAnswer
Customer: I have a gfr of 43 and bun of 26 and creatine of 1.3 Doctor's Assistant: Any pain or burning sensation while urinating? What color is your urine? What color is your urine? Customer: Urine is yellow Doctor's Assistant: Anything else in your medical history you think the …
Understanding GFR 43: Expert Answers on BUN, Creatinine, and …
Reaults 10/23/12 Creatinin 1.2, GFR 60, BUN 24 Results 11/21/14 Creatinin 1.60, GFR 48, BHN 26 blood pressure always DrDLove | Doctor 29,583 Satisfied Customers
Gfr is low (43.6) I am also diabetic. Is there any ... - JustAnswer
Gfr is low (43.6) I am also diabetic. Is there any corrective measures? ... Normal GFR Afr Am is supposed ...
Q&A: Understanding Creatinine 1.69 & GFR 43 Impacts - JustAnswer
Customer: Hello, I have a family member who has a creatinine of 1.69 and a GFR of 43. He has a history of hypertension and diabetes. He has a history of hypertension and diabetes. How bad is the reading and what can he fmdi about it?
I have had GFR between 43-54 over the past 3 years. I just had …
Customer: I have had GFR between 43-54 over the past 3 years. I just had tests done and I have moderate leukocyte esterase in my urine, moderate level of epithelial cells,WBC urine 6-20 and RBC Urine 3-10.
Understanding Creatinine Levels and eGFR: Expert Answers
Customer: My creatinine level is 1.61 and eGFR 43, white male, age 64, Parkinsons, Scleroderma and stroke 2002. Bladder is not emptying and he wants to do a CT scan with contrast. Has referred me to family doctor for creatinine level.
Can GFR Fluctuate? Expert Answers on Kidney Function Variability
The GFR numbers on a blood test are a calculated value based on the blood test for creatinine, along with the age, gender, and race of the individual. Anything that can cause the creatinine result to fluctuate from one test to the next will automatically also cause the GFR value to fluctuate from one test to the next.
What does a gfr of 40 exactly mean and is there anything I can do …
Well according to GFR of 40 reading.....it means decline in your kidney function of moderate severity..which is clinically taken as Chronic Kidney Disease Stage III. It is fairly common among Diabetic patients to have silent decline in kidney function so regular kidney function evaluation with protein check in urine and creatinine is recommended.