4 Best At-Home Kidney Test Kits - Healthline
2023年2月21日 · The first test is an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR or GFR), which measures creatinine waste levels in the blood. Your age, sex, race, and body weight are also considered when...
Best kidney tests: How to check kidney function at home
2022年4月13日 · There are two types of kidney function tests: blood and urine tests. Doctors may refer to this as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test, as it checks how well the kidneys filter waste from the...
Glomerular filtration rate (FIT-GFR) Kits - BioPAL
Based on functional immunoassay technology (FIT™), BioPAL has developed immunoassay kits to measure the renal clearance of ideal filtration markers in order to obtain an accurate GFR measurement. We offer two different kits - Inulin (the gold standard) and Iohexol.
Home Kidney Function Test Collection Kit - LetsGetChecked
A private kidney test kit you can take from home. Buy online today, receive your at home kidney test in the mail with confidential results available within ~2-5 days.
肾小球滤过率<80ml/min就是肾功能不全吗? - 知乎专栏
肾小球滤过率是评估肾功能的一个重要指标,在慢性肾脏病的病程中可用于估计功能性肾单位损失的程度及疾病进展情况,以指导肾脏病的诊断和治疗。 根据肾小球滤过率,临床将慢性肾脏病分为5期: 分期特征GFR[ml/(mi…
GFR Measurement in Clinical Routine | Nephrolyx
Nephrolyx GmbH, a German company, has developed an innovative tool for measuring GFR in clinical routine. The Nephrolyx IVDx combines an IVD kit with a digital platform and is ready-to-use. Applying Iohexol-Plasma-Clearance method, this test delivers results within just a few hours.
Using a Home Test Kit and Smartphone to Test for Kidney Disease
2018年4月10日 · One of the best ways to test for CKD and assess kidney damage is a simple urine test which detects the presence of albumin. The smartphone app from Healthy.io enables lay users to conduct a urinalysis test at home and securely share results with their clinicians.
读懂检验报告|eGFR,肾脏健康的评估指标 - 知乎
eGFR检测可用于检测有风险因素的人的肾脏疾病,如糖尿病、心脏病、尿路堵塞或感染、有肾脏问题的家族史、高血压和 慢性肾脏疾病。 用eGFR检测进行的筛查也可以为准备捐献肾脏的人进行。 该检测可以帮助确保他们有足够的肾脏功能来安全地捐赠,并可以筛查捐赠后的问题。 医生可能会在开始治疗之前开出eGFR检测作为一种筛查形式,如使用造影剂的成像研究或可能影响肾脏的治疗。 通过这种方式,eGFR检测被用来尝试预防医疗护理的并发症或副作用。 监测是持 …
Functional Immunoassay Technology (FIT) - BioPAL
Kits are available to measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal blood flow (RBF). BioPAL offers FIT kits to measure kidney function.
GFR测定 - 百度百科
肾小球滤过率(GFR)测定适用于肾清除功能尤其是肾小球功能检测,肾炎、肾病、肾损伤时肾功能监测,肾移植监测,高血压、胶原病、糖尿病、巨人症等内分泌疾病肾损害监测。 无明确禁忌证。 1.向患者说明检查的目的、方法和注意事项,以充分取得患者的合作。 2.显像剂准备 显像剂为99mTc-DTPA,其放射化学纯度>95%,使用量185~740MBq(5~20mCi)(根据各单位所用显像设备而定),体积<1ml。 (1)检查前3d停服任何利尿药物或 静脉肾盂造影检查。 (2) …