如何在vim快速删除全部内容 - CSDN博客
在vim的普通模式下键入“ggdG”即可删除其中全部内容。 说明:gg:光标跳转到该文件的行首;dG:删除光标行及其以下行的全部内容。 (注:d为删除,G为光标跳转到末尾行)ps:本人热爱图灵,热爱中本聪,热爱V神,热爱一切被梨花照过的姑娘。 以下是我个人的公众号,如果有技术问题可以关注我的公众号来跟我交流。 同时我也会在这个公众号上每周更新我的原创文章,喜欢的小伙伴或者老伙计可以支持一下! 如果需要转发,麻烦注明作者。 十分感谢! 公众号名称: …
如何在 Vim 中删除文件的所有行 [快速提示]
Esc+gg+dG 是在 Vim 中删除文件所有行所需的操作。 这是它的工作原理。 您可以使用 dd 在 Vim 中删除一行,即按两次 d 键。
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How to Delete All Lines of a File in Vim [Quick Tip] - Linux …
In short: Esc+gg+dG is what you need to do for deleting all the lines of the file in Vim. You can undo the delete by pressing the key u. It works for any action you had performed in the command mode in Vim.
A visual novel about two unlikely companions in a world of magic and ruin. Available on itch.io. A fun and heartfelt comedy-adventure comic about bunny people. Available to read online (on …
DAK.GG Desktop App :: 永恒轮回 DAK.GG
Gigi D.G. (Creator) - TV Tropes
Gigi D.G. (aka GGDG, gigidigi or gigideegee) is an American artist/writer/comic creator. They became known in the late 2000s for their video game parody webcomic Hiimdaisy under the name "Peachifruit" (or "Peachi") before moving on to original work in the 2010s, notably the long-form fantasy webcomic Cucumber Quest .
Soul of Sovereignty Prelude OST | GGDG & Toby Fox | ggdg
Jan 15, 2024 · Soul of Sovereignty Prelude OST by GGDG & Toby Fox, released 15 January 2024 1. Prelude 2. Whisper 3. Words in Lavender 4. Small Theme for a Sad Girl 5. Snowfall 6. Unease 7. Frenzied Rite 8. Fayim's Gift 9. Hollow Temple 10. Master of Illusion 11.
Convert Gg to dg - Weight / Mass Conversions - CheckYourMath
Online calculator to convert gigagrams to decigrams (Gg to dg) with formulas, examples, and tables. Our conversions provide a quick and easy way to convert between Weight or Mass units.
热力图GH,GG,DG,DH分别代表什么_百度问一问 - Baidu
Apr 5, 2022 · G表示汽轮机流量,一般是一小时的蒸汽量按吨或千克计算; H表示汽轮机焓值,每千克蒸汽的焓值。 汽轮机简介: 间冷回热循环 ( ICR) 燃气轮机是在简单循环的基础上,增加压缩空气中间冷却器和排气回热器组成的复杂循环燃气轮机,由于加入了中间冷却和回热过程,使得其效率较简单循环燃气轮机得到提升。 您好亲,看到您的问题了呢,这就为您整理答案,请您耐心等待一下呢。 感谢! 在的亲,您稍等一下呢, 您好亲DH:低区回水DG:低区供水. 您好G和H …