ggScore - eSports Events, News, Matches, Streams
Schedule of matches for Dota 2, CS:GO, Hearthstone, teams, players, video and stream, odds and forecasts for matches
Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Watch videos, play built-in games, listen to music, or just scroll together and spam memes. Seamlessly text, call, video chat, and play games, all in one group chat. On your PC, phone, or console, you can still hang out on Discord. Easily switch between devices and use tools to manage multiple group chats with friends. YOU CAN'T SCROLL ANYMORE.
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
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CS:GO赛事视频直播 - GGscore
GGscore为您提供稳定、快速、全面的CS:GO 赛事 / 赛程信息
Score-成都厚翰信息科技有限责任公司-陪你做电竞的记录者,伐木 …
LoL Matches, eSports events and tournaments - ggScore
All current, upcoming and completed LoL eSports events and tournaments, live scores, results, schedules, VODs and news
Discord服务器列表 - DISBOARD
全欧洲最大的中文综合性游戏组队服务器,也是最大的英雄联盟组队和Steam综合游戏组队服务器,服务器超过14k用户,晚高峰期语音频道超过300人,在这里你能以最快速度找到你的游戏搭子。 小鸟永久链接:https://discord.gg/birdgaming
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Score,致力于为电竞玩家提供专业、快速、全面的赛事信息及专业化的数据查询功能,是电竞玩家赛事互动平台。 在这里,还可以关注你喜爱电竞选手,为他打CALL。
Download Discord to Talk, Play, and Hang Out
Talk, play, and hang out with friends around the world over voice, video, or text. Available on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and consoles. Use Discord to easily talk while playing your favorite PC games, show what you’re playing as your status, and stream your games to your friends. Out and about? Sunk in a massive beanbag?