The GG's | JetSetPedia | Fandom
The GG's are the main playable cast of characters of Jet Set Radio. The gang consists of 11 members in total in this game. Their home base of operations is the garage and their home turf is the Shibuya-cho district of Tokyo-to. They can be considered the overall protagonists of …
GG's | Jet Set Radio Wiki | Fandom
GG's are a gang of Rudies who are located in Tokyo-to. Their territory is in Shibuya-cho, and their base of operations is the Garage. They are the protagonists and main playable characters of Jet Set Radio. GG's originally consisted of Gum and Tab. …
The reason behind Jet Set Radio's 20 years of enduring ... - PC Gamer
2023年11月30日 · The fanbase and ever-lasting admiration for Beat, Gum and the ever-growing GGs gang has prevailed for more than two decades now, something pretty special considering only two mainline console ...
GGS在杀机中含义:夸赞对局表现好的缩写 - 百度贴吧
萌新不懂就问,ggs..good game 美服日常 玩人跑了人发 屠夫4杀屠夫发 省的大家心里都不平衡 有一次我在美服打屠夫 赛后发gg 4个人里就有一个国人 说gg个毛 说我玩的这么菜之类的素质堪忧
外国人游戏内常用语言(基础篇) - 哔哩哔哩
UP主相信各位小伙伴们玩DOTA2,CSGO,PUBG之类的时候,会遇到些外国队友,而每次交流靠手机查单词很费时间,这里UP开了一篇教育性质的专栏。 通用类(凡是游戏都能用到的,甚至可以在生活中用到) glhf——good luck have fun,国际惯例头一句——祝好运玩得开心(一般csgo,星际会用到) bio 内急——Biology Break,上厕所专用高端大气上档次词汇! (只需要3个字母,很简单方便吧) lag——延迟. afk——掉线(这里和lag有一定区别,这个专门指掉线) …
"gg" 和 "ggs" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
ggs: Gamers use GGs to mean "good games." This abbreviation is a quick way of complimenting another player on a WP set of games. You're most likely to receive GGs in a message sent at the end of a best of three or best of five series, from an opponent who had fun playing against you.
ggs是什么意思啊 - 百度知道
2024年10月18日 · GGS即goodgames,一场旗鼓相当的精彩战斗的意思。 1、获胜方打出GG代表GoodLuck,表示谦虚,大有古代比武时获胜方会说一句承让。 2、失败方打出GG回应表示GoodGame。
最近在美服玩守望先锋 想问一下ggs 和gr是什么意思我只知道gg …
1、获胜方打出GG代表GoodLuck,表示谦虚,大有古代比武时获胜方会说一句承让。 2、失败方打出GG回应表示GoodGame。 而GGS则是双方都打的不错,一场旗鼓相当的精彩战斗的意思。 round有回合的意思,就是说这局打的不错。 最近在美服玩守望先锋 想问一下ggs 和gr是什么意思我只知道gg和gg wpGGS(good games)1、获胜方打出GG代表GoodLuck,表示谦虚,大有古代比武时获胜方会说一句承让。 2、失败方打出GG回应表示GoodGame。 而GGS则是双方.
GG-Gang - Discord
🟣 Twitch Striimaaja LeiskaGG:n Discord Server GG-Gang 💪😎 | 1250 members
The GG's | JetSetPedia | Fandom
During the story, the GG's go up against the oppressive Rokkaku Group and its various forces commanded by their leader, Gouji Rokkaku and other rival gangs occupying the streets of Tokyo: Poison Jam, Rapid 99, the Immortals, the Love Shockers, the Doom Riders, and the Noise Tanks.
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