Geography and Geoinformation Science | GMU College of Science
We offer a MS degree and a Graduate certificate in Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence preparing our students with the necessary skills to pursue careers in the federal workforce, intelligence community, and beyond.
Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence, MS
Offered by the Department of Geography and Geoinformation Sciences (GGS) in the College of Science, this bachelor's/accelerated master's degree program enables highly qualified undergraduates to obtain any Mason bachelor's degree and the Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence, MS degrees within an accelerated timeframe. The program strategy ...
一文看懂气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS) - 知乎专栏
GC-MS (Gaschromatography-mass spectrometry)全称气相色谱-质谱联用,简称气质联用仪。 被分析样品经毛细管柱分离,进入 离子源。 采用电子电力标准配置 (EI),产生正离子,在推斥、聚焦、引出电极的作用下将正离子送入 四极杆系统。 四极杆在高频电压与正负电压联合作用下形成高频电场,在扫描电压作用下,只有符合四极场运动方程的离子才能通过四极杆对称中心到达离子检测器,再经离子流放大器放大,产生质谱信号。 得到了质谱图,通过解释谱图或进行谱库检索 …
Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS - George Mason …
The Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS (GECA) focuses on the growing demand for scientists and professionals in the field of geographic information science, who use geographical approaches and tools such as geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, cartography, and geovisualization to address and solve geographic problems.
Earth Systems Science, MS (GGS) < George Mason University
Geology, BS/Earth Systems Science, Accelerated MS Overview. Geology, and Earth sciences more broadly, are extremely important to society and our economy as they deal with our planet, our oceans, and our climate. Degrees in Earth science are broadly useful in industry, government, conservation, and many other areas of our economy.
Geographic and Cartographic Science, MS | GMU College of Science
The Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS focuses on the growing demand for scientists and professionals in the field of geographic information science, who use geographical approaches and tools such as geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, cartography, and geovisualization to address and solve geographic problems.
技术 | 一文读懂气相色谱质谱法(GC-MS/MS) - 知乎专栏
质谱是一种测量带电粒子的质荷比(m/z)的分析技术,因此可用于确定分子量和元素组成,以及阐明分子的化学结构。 GC-MS的数据是三维的,提供的质谱可用于确认身份或识别未知化合物,加上可用于定性和定量分析的色谱图。 GC-MS仪器是如何工作的? 在分析物分子被洗脱到质谱中进行检测之前,样品混合物首先被气相色谱分离 [1]。 它们由载气输送(图1(1)),载气不断流经气相色谱仪并进入质谱仪,在那里由真空系统抽空(6)。 样品首先被手动或自动进样器 …
气-质联用 - 百度百科
气相色谱(Gas chromatography,GC)具有极强的分离能力,但它对未知化合物的定性能力较差;质谱(Mass Spectrometry,MS)对未知化合物具有独特的鉴定能力,且灵敏度极高,但它要求被检测组分一般是纯化合物。
GC-MS入门级知识点(含原理、结构、定性、常见问题等) - 知乎
在gc-ms联用中有两个作用: (1)压力匹配——质谱 离子源 的真空度在10-3pa,而gc色谱柱出口压力高达105pa,接口的作用就是要使两者压力匹配。 (2)组分浓缩——从gc色谱柱流出的气体中有大量载气,接口的作用是排除载气,使被测物浓缩后进入离子源。 2.ms ...
What: Remove GRE requirements for admission of all GGS MS programs including ESS MS (shared with AOES). Reduce the required number of recommendaon leers from three to two