JGI Genome Portal - Home
Visit JGI Data Management & Analysis Systems for comparative analysis and annotation of all publicly available genomes. Search Projects by selecting within "JGI Projects" and clicking "Show All" to get up to date information about JGI projects. Please login in order to save your search queries and access them in your "Favorites".
Phytozome v13 - The Department of Energy's Energy.gov
Tools for exploring the Phytozome collection of green plant genomes
JGI IMG Integrated Microbial Genomes & Microbiomes
JGI Genome Portal - unified access to all JGI genomic datasets. MycoCosm & PhycoCosm - access to data, visualization, and analysis tools for comparative genomics of fungi. Phytozome - a hub for accessing, visualizing and analyzing plant genomes.
JGI Data Portal
Access JGI’s most popular — and powerful — analysis tools, including IMG’s gene search, BLAST search, and function finder, Phytozome’s BLAST search and BioMart, and MycoCosm/PhycoCosm’s analysis tools: BLAST search, the …
教你无限制批量下载JGI-IMG基因组数据! - 知乎专栏
IMG(Integrated Microbial Genomes, img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin)由美国能源部联合基因组研究中心(Joint GenomeInstitute,JGI)于2005年创立,是综合的微生物基因组数据库及比较分析系统。 IMG收录了细菌、古菌、质粒、病毒以及少量真核生物基因组数据,其数据主要来源于NCBI的 RefSeq数据库,但是增添了更加详细的注释信息,例如 CRISPR序列 、 信号肽 、 非编码RNA 、 功能基因 等。 IMG基于 COG 、 Pfam 、 TIGRfam 、 InterPro 、 GO 和 KEGG 等数据库产 …
JGI-IMG微生物功能基因组数据库介绍 - 组学大讲堂问答社区
2020年9月10日 · IMG(Integrated Microbial Genomes, https:// https://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/m/main.cgi)由美国能源部联合基因组研究中心(Joint GenomeInstitute,JGI)于2005年 …
JGI Portals | Joint Genome Institute
Download plant, algal, fungal and microbial genomes and metagenomes — top-quality genomic data, open to all researchers. The JGI Genome Portal provides unified access to all JGI genomic databases and analytical tools for all JGI sequencing projects. In 2021, the JGI launched the Data Portal to eventually replace the Genome Portal.
JGI IMG Integrated Microbial Genomes & Microbiomes
IMG includes publicly available genomic sequence data integrated with JGI sequence data for microbes and selected model eukaryotes. Genome data is provided by secondary data sources such as EBI Genome Reviews, RefSeq, UniProt/SwissProt, UniProt/TrEMBL (protein information).
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