Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 - GISP2 - Climate Change Institute
On 1 July 1993, after five years of drilling, the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2,) penetrated through the ice sheet and 1.55 meters into bedrock recovering an ice core 3053.44 meters in depth, the deepest ice core thus far recovered in the world.
GISP2 Graphs and Data - Climate Change Institute
Snow Accumulation at GISP2 Summit, Greenland; GISP2 Holocene Melt Years; Holocene Variability from ARCSS/GISP2 compared to other Paleo-Proxy Records; Pre-Holocene Rapid Climate Change from the ARCSS/GISP2 Ice Core; Comparison between ARCSS/GISP2 and Vostok Ice Cores; Physical Properties Research on the GISP2 Ice Core
Physical Properties Research on the GISP2 Ice Core
Analysis of the GISP2 core at Summit has included detailed examination of its crystalline structure, an important property in determining the rheological behavior of the ice and its potential impact on the preservation of paleoclimate records in the deeper parts of the ice sheet.
GISP2 Notebook (No.3, Fall 1993) - Climate Change Institute
GISP2 was developed as the first in a series of integrated studies, administered by OPP under its Arctic System Science (ARCSS) program, focusing on environmental change in the Arctic. The primary goals developed for GISP2 included:
Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans and Atmospheres) …
The GISP2 depth-age scale is presented on a new multiparameter continuous count method. This is the first ice core or geological material to be continuously dated, with minor breaks beyond 110,000 yBP.
Ice Cores That Tell the Past - climatechange.umaine.edu
GISP2 is located at the highest point on the Greenland ice sheet (38° 28' W, 72° 35'N, 3208 meters above sea level) on the "ice divide" of central Greenland. Ice on the west of the roughly north south divide passing through the "summit" flows to the west and ice to the east flows east.
Sulfate (Blue Line) and Nitrate (Red Line) - Climate Change Institute
Concentrations of sulfate (blue line) and nitrate (red line) measured in the GISP2 Ice Core. Dashed lines represents the 2000 year average for each chemical measurement. Increase in sulfate starting just after 1900 is attributed to the increase …
Holocene Variability from ARCSS/GISP2 compared to other Paleo …
Worldwide glacier expansions and syntheses of various climate proxy records from Europe, Greenland, North America, and the Southern Hemisphere showing cold periods (Denton and Karlen, 1975; Harvey, 1980; Andrews, et al., 1972) that …
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction [Full Text] - Climate Change …
The Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) core can enhance our understanding of the relationship between parameters measured in the ice in central Greenland and variability in the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere of the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent land masses.
Comparison between ARCSS/GISP2 and Vostok Ice Cores
Comparison between ARCSS/GISP2 and Vostok Ice Cores Greenland (GISP2) and Antarctic (Vostok) climate records covering the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Upper part shows close correlation between GISP2 and Vostok in the delta 18 O of air in these ice cores.