OpenGL - The Industry Standard for High Performance Graphics
This release expands graphics trace on Windows by adding support for Direct3D 11, WDDM CPU+GPU queues, and OpenGL. On Linux, new features include support for CUDA 10.2, simultaneous CLI sessions, DWARF unwind and capture by hotkey.
OpenGL Platform & OS Implementations
The current version is Version 1.2.3 This version implements the interface for OpenGL 1.2, GLU 1.2, GLUT 3.7, and several extensions. It supports several Unix workstations and Windows 95/98/NT. It is also the Fortran interface for Mesa.
OpenGL ES 2.0 supports a version of the EXT_framebuffer_ object extension as a mandatory core feature. This provides (among other things) an elegant way to achieve render-to-texture capabilities. Blending OpenGL ES 2.0 extends the options available in the fixed-functionality blending unit, adding support for most of
2 Getting Started - OpenGL
To run OpenGL programs you may need shared or dynamically loaded OpenGL libraries, or a vendor-specific OpenGL Installable Client Driver (ICD) specific to your device. Also, you may need include files and libraries for the GLU and GLUT libraries.
GLUT - The OpenGL Utility Toolkit
GLUT provides a portable API so you can write a single OpenGL program that works on both Win32 PCs and X11 workstations. GLUT is designed for constructing small to medium sized OpenGL programs.
OpenGL 4.x Reference Pages
Use alternate (flat) index. Introduction; API Entry Points a glActiveShaderProgram
OpenGL 2.1 Reference Pages
OpenGL 2.1 Reference Pages. Use the index at the left to choose any GL, GLU, or GLX reference page for viewing. The reference pages (also known as "man pages") include all of the important usage information for each command. This information includes a description of all parameters, return values, error conditions, and related commands.
2 OpenGL
A second aspect of OpenGL is that the specification is not pixel exact. This means that two different OpenGL implementations are very unlikely to render the same image. The motivation for this is to allow OpenGL to be implemented across a range of hardware platforms.
9.3 Antialiasing - OpenGL
One straightforward jittering method is to modify the projection matrix, adding small translations in x and y. Care must be taking to compute the translations so that they shift the scene the appropriate amount in window coordinate space. Fortunately, …
OpenGL - The Industry Standard for High Performance Graphics
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