GM-70: Description - Roland Corporation
GM-70. - The final innovative MIDI controller function that is featured in the GM-70 is the ability to transmit any MIDI continuous controller message from a huge collection of controller knobs, …
GM70 lifetime - diyAudio
2022年1月28日 · GM-70 is a thoriated tungsten filamentary triode. If the tube is new, or in good condition, it may be worth running the filament at a a slightly reduced voltage, to slow down …
Roland GM-70 - Vintage Pitch to MIDI Converter - Joness
With the GM-70 you can control up to eleven possible MIDI parameters! That is four destinations for the four continuous controllers on the guitar, plus two possible destinations for the mode …
GM70 High-Power Low-Frequency Triode Glass Tube SPECIFICATION Directly heated wolfram thoriated cathode Heater voltage Heater current Plate voltage Height, max
GM-70 / GM70 / 845 tube (graphite plate) - Tubes-Store.com
The GM-70 triode is used as a low-frequency power amplifier in RF equipment. Military equipment. Near 845 Equivalent. NEW, NOS and never used before! Key specifications: …
Best GM70 version suited for audio?? | diyAudio
2010年3月3日 · Technically the graphite plate should be superior, it can radiate heat more efficiently and can stand higher temperatures. My suggestion would be (and some people will …
GM70 MONO - lampizator
Monoblock amps based on GM70 are very attractive proposition. Compared to say , very popular 300B tube, GM70 has 3 x the power, , better bass control, better sounstage, and similar mids …
GM70 amplifier - last test - Audio Design Guide
To create a GM70 amplifier with enough sensibility to be driver directly by a CD player or a phono preamplifier it is necessary have a driver stage with a voltage gain about 50x or 70x. Using the …
GM70 SE amp project - diyAudio
2020年10月25日 · WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES. the safety precautions around high voltages. Actually two of my friends and I are working on a …
deHavilland GM
The deHavilland GM-70 is a 100% pure class A single-ended triode zero negative feedback amplifier. The GM-70 directly heated triode vacuum tube is the largest output triode available …