GNU arch - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
2021年5月1日 · GNU arch is a revision control system, similar in purpose to tools such as CVS, SCCS, and Subversion. It is used to keep track of the changes made to a source tree and to help programmers combine and otherwise manipulate changes made by …
GNU arch - Wikipedia
GNU arch software is a distributed revision control system that is part of the GNU Project and licensed under the GNU General Public License. It is used to keep track of the changes made to a source tree and to help programmers combine and otherwise manipulate changes made by multiple people or at different times.
GNU arch - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GNU arch是一个分布式版本控制软件,它是GNU计划的一部分,并在GNU通用公共许可证下授权。 截至2009年,GNU arch的官方状态是“已弃用”,仅仅提供安全性修复。
GNU - ArchWiki
GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix!". Because the GNU kernel, Hurd, is not production-ready [1], GNU is usually used with the Linux kernel. Arch Linux is such a GNU/Linux distribution, using GNU software like the Bash shell, the GNU coreutils, the GNU toolchain and numerous other utilities and libraries.
Introducing arch - GNU
arch is a revision control, source code management, and configuration management tool. This manual is an arch tutorial: its purpose is to help you get started using arch for the first time, and then learn some of the more advanced features of arch. Who is this Manual For?
什么是 Arch Linux:独树一帜的 Linux 发行版 - 系统极客
2025年2月17日 · Arch Linux 是一款以极简、灵活和高度可定制化为特色的 Linux 发行版,尽管上手难度较大,但其独特的滚动更新机制和强大的社区支持,让它成为了深度 Linux 用户的首选。
Arch Linux
You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple. Currently we have official packages optimized for the x86-64 architecture. We complement our official package sets with a community-operated package repository that grows in size and quality each and every day.
安装指南 - Arch Linux 中文维基
Arch Linux 被设计为可以运行在配置为最低 512 MiB 内存的 x86_64 架构的计算机上,但如果是从安装介质启动系统并成功安装在计算机硬盘中,则可能需要更多的内存。
GNU - Arch Linux 中文维基
Arch Linux 就是这类 GNU/Linux 发行版之一,使用了包括 Bash 终端、GNU 核心工具、GNU 工具链在内的各种工具和库。 此页面只列出部分 官方仓库 或 AUR 中存在的 GNU 软件包,而不会列出所有的 近 400 个 软件包。
Gnu-arch - Free Software Directory
GNU arch is a revision control system with features that are ideal for projects with widely distributed development, concurrent support of multiple releases, and substantial amounts of development on branches.