6P62 - Wikipedia
6P62 (6П62) is the GRAU designation of a Russian handheld machine gun chambered for the 12.7×108mm round. [1] [2] Its project code name is unknown. It is a large-frame automatic rifle with a short barrel and a folding bipod.
Sumitomo Type 62 - Wikipedia
The Sumitomo NTK-62[6] (62式7.62mm機関銃, Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū) is the standard issue general-purpose machine gun of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. It's also known as the Type 62 7.62mm Machine Gun or the Type 62 GPMG. [7] When first issued, it fulfilled both light and medium machine gun support throughout the JGSDF.
Sumitomo Type 62 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Sumitomo NTK-62 (62式7.62mm機関銃 Rokuni-shiki Nana-ten-rokuni-miri Kikanjū?) is the standard issue GPMG of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, known as the Type 62 GPMG.
6P62 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
6P62 (Russian: 6П62) is the GRAU designation for a yet-unnamed Russian select-fire anti-materiel rifle (generally described in Russian sources as a portable heavy machine gun) chambered in 12.7mm. The weapon itself does not appear to have any other designation, and it is unclear if the weapon has any actual GRAU designation.
General-purpose machine gun - Wikipedia
A general-purpose machine gun (GPMG) is an air-cooled, usually belt-fed machine gun that can be adapted flexibly to various tactical roles for light and medium machine guns. [1]
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Union Pacific EMD GP62 Diesels - donsdepot.irm.org
Electro-Motive GP62 Diesels 1029, Class GP62, was built in September 1989, #886024-19, FN 886024-19, as St Louis South-Western 9653, Class EF438C-2. It was assigned UP 5755, Class GP60 , in September 1997 and became UP 1955 on April 3, 2007.