GHG Protocol for Cities
The GPC provides a robust framework for accounting and reporting city-wide greenhouse gas emissions. It seeks to: Help cities develop a comprehensive and robust greenhouse gas inventory in order to support climate action planning; Help cities establish a base year emissions inventory, set reduction targets, and track their performance
1.2 Purpose of the GPC 20 1.3 Who should use the GPC 20 1.4 Using the GPC 20 1.5 Relationship to other city protocols and standards 21 1.6 How this standard was developed 22 1.7 23Local government operations 2 aCC onung i t and rePorting PrinCiPLes 24 2.1 Accounting and reporting principles 25 2.2 Notation keys 26
Homepage | GHG Protocol
Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards for companies. Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides standards and tools that help countries and cities track progress toward climate goals. In 2023, 97% of disclosing S&P 500 companies reported to CDP using GHG Protocol.
Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories
GHG Protocol is working to give cities the standards and tools they need to measure their emissions, build more effective emissions reduction strategies, set measurable and more ambitious emission reduction goals, and to track their progress more accurately and comprehensively.
The Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas …
The Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) provides cities with the standards and tools they need to understand their total emissions and biggest emissions sources, set measurable and ambitious emission reduction goals, plan effective reduction strategies, and track their progress. Specifically, the GPC:
快速入门:温室气体核算体系 - GHG Protocol - 知乎
2024年4月1日 · 温室气体核算体系 (Greenhouse Gas Protocol,简称 GHG Protocol)是一套国际上广泛认可的温室气体会计和报告标准。 它由世界资源研究所(World Resources Institute,WRI)和世界商业理事会可持续发展(World Business Council for Sustainable Development,WBCSD)联合开发,旨在为政府、企业和其他组织提供一个清晰、一致的框架来量化和管理其温室气体排放。 GHG Protocol的起源与发展. GHG Protocol最初于1998年推 …
Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emissions (GPC)
Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emissions (GPC) A framework for accounting and reporting city-wide greenhouse gas emissions. It offers guidance to cities on developing a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory, including establishing the base year for the inventory, setting emissions reduction targets and tracking cities’ performance.
Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories
2014年12月8日 · Drafting and piloting since 2012, the GPC marks a historic international consensus on GHG accounting and reporting emissions, allowing local governments to measure and track their performances in a consistent standard, guided by international best practices.
「世界资源研究所」温室气体核算体系企业核算与报告标准 - 知乎
温室气体核算体系(GHG Protocol,简称GHGP)是国际上最为广泛使用的温室气体核算工具,旨在帮助政府和企业理解、测量与管理温室气体排放。 由世界资源研究所(WRI)和世界可持续发展工商理事会(WBCSD)历经十余年…
GHGP:全球应用最广泛的企业碳核算标准!附标准原文、使用教 …
《温室气体核算体系:企业核算与报告标准》,简称GHGP,是世界上最具影响力和应用最广泛的企业碳核算工具。 涵盖了 《京都议定书》 规定的六种温室气体:二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮、氢氟碳化物、全氟化碳和六氟化硫的核算与报告。 1. 编制真实并公平反映企业温室气体排放的清单. 2. 简化并降低编制温室气体排放清单的成本. 4. 帮助企业制定自愿减排和强制性温室气体计划. 5. 提高不同公司和温室气体计划之间温室气体核算与报告的一致性和透明度. GHGP也几乎是所有 …
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