U.S. Army Model AN/GRR-5 Shortwave Receiver (1959)
U.S. Army Model AN/GRR-5 Shortwave Receiver (1959) Affectionately known as the "Angry 5," the AN/GRR-5 compact mobile shortwave receiver was used in the United States military during the 1950s and 1960s. Here is one man's view of the radio's mission: The GRR-5 was contracted as a gas warning receiver, in other words it was
AN/GRR-5 - RadioNerds
2016年6月29日 · Power Hookups The AN/GRR-5 Radio has an exceptionally flexible power input specification. This radio can operate on 6, 12, or 24 Volts DC as well as 115 Volts AC. The voltage is determined by a switch on the front of the power supply or …
Receiver R-174/GRR-5 - Radiomuseum
Receiver for mobile purposes, 1.5 - 18 MHz in four ranges, AM/CW (BFO), 200 kHz xtal calibrator. Set compartment (CY-615/URR) consists of two chassis: model R-174/GRR-5 receiver and model PP-308/URR power supply plus speaker unit.
AN/GRR-5 THE ANGRY 5 - USRadioguy.com
This is an AN/GRR-5 or better known as an Angry 5. It tunes 1.5 to 18 Mhz, receives AM, CW and SSB. The neat thing about this radio is that it runs on 120 V AC or 6, 12, 0r 24 VDC. That’s what the bottom unit (the power supply, PP-308) is for. It contains two vibrators and four transformers, along with a relay and some tubes.
AN/GRR-5 Modifications/repairs and recommended updates...
2013年9月23日 · I'm not familiar with the PS for the GRR-5, but I do know that Antique Electronics Supply and others sell replacement vibrators and solid-state vibrators (which obviously should …
Original U.S. Korean War Era U.S. Army Model AN/GRR-5 “Angry 5 ...
During the 1950s and 1960s, the United States military used a compact mobile shortwave receiver called the AN/GRR-5, which was affectionately known as the "Angry 5." The GRR-5 was initially designed as a gas warning receiver to be mounted …
An-Grr-5 Radio for sale | eBay
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R-174/GRR-5 Receiver - Antique Radio Forums
2003年7月14日 · The AN/GRR-5 consists of the R-174 receiver and a multi-voltage power supply in a common cabinet. It uses miniature tubes--several 1L4's, 1R5's a 3V4, etc. I think it came out in the early 1950's. It is a 4 band receiver with crystal calibrator and BFO. It covers 1500 khz to 30 mhz. It has 2 RF and 2 IF stages.
Military Radio Receiver US ARMY Radio AN/GRR-5 - WorthPoint
For Sale: US ARMY Model AN/GRR-5 Shortwave Radio Receiver Affectionately known as the "Angry 5," the AN/GRR-5 compact mobile shortwave receiver was used widely in the United States military during the 1950s and 1960s. It consists of two chassis: the model R-174/URR receiver and model PP-308/URR power supply.
Receiving Set ANIGRR-5. The ANfGRR-5 is a mobile radio receiv er that was used for tactical communica tions by the U.S. Army and Ai r Fo rc e In the 1950s and 60s. It covers the frequen cy range from 1.5 to 18 MHz and Is capable of copying a.m., s.