German Shepherd Dog Forum - Breedia
2024年3月26日 · German Shepherd Dog Forum German Shepherd Dog Forum - for chat, discussions, photos and more!
GSD Discipline? - forum.breedia.com
2019年10月10日 · GSD Discipline? General Chat Discussion in ' German Shepherd Dog ' started by Old, Oct 10, 2019 .
Companion for GSD General Chat - forum.breedia.com
2012年2月10日 · I think a spaniel (springer?) is a good idea. It needs to be an active dog to keep up, and also not one that will compete with the GSD for a place by your side. ;-) A Springer or Cocker will have its own agenda (scent / retrieve fun) and their outgoing nature will balance the Big Girls Blouse that is the Shepherd. I was considering a Springer myself recently but then Prince came along.
GSD Database General Chat - forum.breedia.com
2007年1月25日 · GSD Database I have a large database of GSD's English and Continental Lines, I use Pedigree Assistant for Dogs2, if any body is interested in swopping data if you have the same software.
(Another!) WL GSD thread
2012年11月5日 · Do you know of anyone competing with WL GSD in obedience? If so, have a chat with them about their dog and other WLs that are already doing well in obedience and then investigate those breeders too. The description of your lifestyle and what you want to do with your new dog sounds ideal for a WL GSD.
Looking for GSD puppy General Chat - forum.breedia.com
2010年2月1日 · Looking for GSD puppy I have decided it is time to start looking for another dog. I considered rehoming or rescue but have so far come to a dead end there. So now I am actively looking for a longcoat gsd puppy. I would welcome any thoughts about particular gsd breeding lines either to avoid or to recommend.
Joramba GSDs Lincoln - any info? - Breedia
2010年2月8日 · Joramba GSDs Lincoln - any info? General Chat Discussion in ' German Shepherd Dog ' started by taniamiff, Feb 8, 2010.
GSD bad behavior issues General Chat
2018年3月12日 · Hi all! I know this isn't about Mila but was looking for some advice & info for very bad doggy behavior. My mom has a 6mo old GSD male & she is just so...
May be of interest to GSD owners - forum.breedia.com
2018年10月9日 · May be of interest to GSD owners General Chat Discussion in ' German Shepherd Dog ' started by Helena54, Oct 23, 2005 .
Am getting a GSD!! General Chat
2010年9月10日 · Am getting a GSD!! Hey guys! After much research, questions to Honey's trainer and to dog breeders and rescue centres. I have come to the decision after thinking I would either get CKS or GSD I have decided to get a GSD. I am going to get a rescue GSD from a GSD rescue centre whom now of my health and about Honey. I just wanted to ask what would be the best way to introduce Honey and the GSD ...