Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) is a class of expendable launch systems operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). GSLV has been used in fifteen launches since 2001.
GSLV-D1 / GSAT-1 - Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
The Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) is designed to place satellites in Geo-Synchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO). It adopts the flight-proven solid and liquid stages of ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and a cryogenic upper stage. engines.
GSLV运载火箭 - 百度百科
GSLV 地球同步卫星运载火箭 MK-I是一款中型通信 卫星运载火箭,设计用于将印度本土的INSAT级2.0至2.5吨重的卫星或者国外通信卫星送入“ 地球同步转移轨道 ”(GTO)。 2014年1月5日下午16时18分, 印度空间研究组织 在印度东南部安得拉邦的航天中心成功发射了称为GSLV-D5的火箭,它重约415吨,长49米,搭载重1982公斤的GSAT-14通信卫星。 [1] 2023年7月14日下午,搭载“月船3号”探测器的GSLV MkIII运载火箭从印度东南部安得拉邦的航天发射场发射升 …
GSLV-D1 is designed to place satellites in Geo-synchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO). It adopts the flight-proven solid and liquid stages of ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and a Cryogenic Upper Stage. GSLV is a three stage vehicle. The first stage, GS1, comprises a solid
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2001年4月18日 · GSAT 1 is an Indian, 1,500 kg (scaled down) test model of a future, geosynchronous communications spacecraft. It was launched by a GSLV-D1 rocket from Shriharikota (at 13 deg-N and 80 deg-E, on the eastern coast of …
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2001年4月18日 · The 401 tonne, 49 m tall GSLV, carrying an experimental, 1540 kg, satellite, GSAT-1, lifted off from Sriharikota at 3-43 pm IST. Seventeen minutes after lift off, GSAT-1 was successfully placed in an orbit of 181 km perigee and an apogee 32, 051 km with the orbit inclination of 19.2 degree with respect to the equator.
ISRO Press Brief on GSLV-D1/GSAT-1 - SpaceNews
2001年4月24日 · These include: (i) Fast Recovery Star Sensor (FRSS) which provides. perigee firing strategy. to achieve the geo-stationary orbit. The satellite is presently in a drift. orbit with an orbital period...
<b>印度计划发射探月器</b> - 国家航天局
2004年12月7日 · 按照计划,印度将用改进的极轨卫星运载火箭即GSLV-D1型地球同步轨道运载火箭发射“月球初航”探月器。 这种火箭是印度目前拥有的推力最大的一种航天运载工具。 GSLV-D1型火箭是一种三级半火箭。 第一级为固体发动机,推进剂为端羥基聚丁二烯,推力为495.9吨。 在其周围捆绑着4个液体助推器,推进剂为偏二甲肼和四氧化二氮,每台推力为75吨。 第二级为液体发动机,推进剂为偏二甲肼和四氧化二氮,推力为75吨。 第三级为液体发动机,推进剂为 …
GSLV MkIII-D1/GSAT-19 Mission is the first developmental flight of GSLV MkIII, a heavy lift launch vehicle, capable of lofting payloads up to 4,000 kg into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and 10,000 kg into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). GSAT-19, a high throughput communication satellite is identified as the payload in this mission. This will
印度发射GSLV-D1火箭成功 - 国家航天局