ChatGPT - OpenAI
With ChatGPT, you can type or start a real-time voice conversation by tapping the soundwave icon in the mobile app. Click the web search icon to get fast, timely answers with links to relevant web sources. With canvas, you can work with ChatGPT on …
Introducing ChatGPT - OpenAI
2022年11月30日 · We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.
GPT-4 - OpenAI
2023年3月14日 · GPT‑4 is the latest milestone in OpenAI’s effort in scaling up deep learning. GPT‑4 was trained on Microsoft Azure AI supercomputers. Azure’s AI-optimized infrastructure also allows us to deliver GPT‑4 to users around the world.
GTCat by Enata
The GTCAT now infuses the laminates of their entire production line with carbon fibre, making this boat one of the fastest cruising catamaran in the world. This tamed racing catamaran is meant to fly a hull in 12 knots of wind, whilst still being easy to handle. COMFORT. A large open plan saloon area with a 360-degree panoramic view.
GTCat, The boat @ GTCat by Enata
The GTCat 66 is a ground-breaking new breed of catamaran with a limited number for sale. It has been designed to provide the best high performance sailing sensations whilst being comfortable and easy to handle. It is a tamed racing catamaran with an …
Nike G.T. Cut 鞋类- NIKE 中文官方网站
耐克(Nike)官网,在线销售最新款Nike G.T. Cut 鞋类相关产品信息和优惠活动,尽在Nike.com.
快传拆解 | NIKE AIR ZOOM G.T. CUT 2_图左_气垫_鞋垫 - 搜狐
2022年11月15日 · 网纱鞋面上覆大量格纹状补强材料,独立鞋舌适合更多脚型人群穿着. 模压鞋舌,大量三角状透气孔,提升穿着舒适性. 鞋面内层使用强韧衬布,上覆热熔材料进行补强,整体鞋面强度足够正常穿着使用. 前3组采用环状鞋带孔,提升鞋面支撑力. REACT材质鞋垫,正面覆有黑色织物,提升袜子和鞋垫之间的贴合度. 42.5码鞋垫下沿长约274毫米. 42.5码鞋垫前掌宽约96.21毫米. 42.5码鞋垫后掌宽约65.01毫米. 后跟处六边形ZOOM AIR气垫. 42.5码后掌ZOOM AIR气垫 …
Nike G.T. Cut 3 EP 籃球鞋。Nike TW
這是 Nike 籃球史上首雙嵌入全掌式 ZoomX 泡棉的鞋款,本身能量回傳效果出類拔萃。 前足小趾側配置的小型塑膠鞋底墊片,可在迅速移位時穩住腳步。 在 Nike.com 尋找 Nike G.T. Cut 3 EP 籃球鞋。 特定訂單可享有免費退貨及免運費服務。
2015-2020 Mustang GT Cat Delete Pipes: First To Market and …
2014年10月20日 · Well ten years later we are proud to say once again that we are first to market with offroad lead pipes for the 2015 GT. When it comes to making power one of the most restrictive parts of the exhaust is the catalytic converters, and the S550 S550 Mustang GT is no different, actually it is among the worst.
Nike G.T. Cut Basketball Shoes
Find Nike G.T. Cut Basketball Shoes at Nike.com. Free delivery and returns.