DR1 | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The Declasse DR1 is an open-wheel car featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Los Santos Summer Special update. The DR1 is a single-seat race car presumably based on the 2018–2019 Dallara DW12 Universal Aero Kit IndyCar, with elements taken from both the street/short oval course and super speedway configurations.
Declasse DR1 (IndyCar) | GTA 5 Online Vehicle Stats, Price ... - GTA …
2020年8月11日 · The Declasse DR1 (IndyCar) is a Open Wheel vehicle featured in GTA Online on PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, added to the game as part of the 1.51 LS Summer Special update on August 11, 2020. The DR1 (IndyCar) can be purchased in GTA Online from Legendary Motorsport for a price of $2,997,000.
Declasse DR1 | Grand Theft Auto Online - GTA Magazine
The Declasse DR1 is a vehicle in the "Open Wheel" class available in Grand Theft Auto Online on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. This vehicle was added to the game with the "Los Santos Summer Special" update in 2020.
DR1 — GTA 5/Online Vehicle Info, Lap Time, Top Speed
Get complete information about the Declasse DR1, a GTA 5/Online car! Including prices, lap time, top speed, release date, images, race availability, full handling data, model ID, hashes and much more.
DR1 (IndyCar) vs PR4 (Formula 1 Car) - GTA 5 & GTA Online ... - GTA …
Side-by-Side Comparison between the Declasse DR1 (IndyCar) and Progen PR4 (Formula 1 Car) GTA 5 Vehicles. Compare all the vehicle specifications, statistics, features and information shown side by side, and find out the differences between two vehicles or more.
Review Of The BR8 and DR1 : r/gtaonline - Reddit
2020年8月11日 · In summary, both cars are great additions to the game. the BR8 performs better but the DR1 looks better. Ultimately, I prefer both to the PR4 and R88. whether you get one is up to you but id keep a hold of both of these until you can get them for free or something better comes up (come on mid 00s ferrari and modern mercedes f1 cars). Archived post.
【GTA5好车推荐】绝致 DR1 - 3楼猫
2023年5月18日 · 哈喽哈喽,大家好,欢迎来到柯柯的好车推荐。 我是柯柯。 本期柯柯要给大家推荐的,是来自绝致旗下的方程式赛车——DR1. (推荐理由:性能,转向,加速,经典) (柯柯的原创文章,未经授权不得转载哦) (车图均来自LZCC车友,欢迎欣赏,禁止盗图) ————————————————————— 【关于原型】 原型:印地赛车. 【原型科普】 汽车场地比赛的一种﹐也叫印地方程式赛。 设有世界锦标赛。 该车赛起源于美国,原为美国汽车 …
GTA5/GTAオンライン車図鑑「デクラス DR1(Declasse DR1)」
2020年8月28日 · 「ロスサントス・サマースペシャル」アップデートで追加されたDR1。 時速350kmでオーバルコースを走り続けるスピードの化身です。 空気と戦う1台を見ていきましょう。 モデルはダラーラ DW12ですね。 インディカーシリーズで使用されている車両で、2012年以降のインディは車体供給メイカーがダラーラの1社だけになっているのでこの車のワイメイクレースと化しています。 「TENSHUN」モータースポーツ はWill Power #12 Team Penske …
GTA 5: Fastest F1 Cars [Ranked] - Gamesual
2023年5月2日 · The Declasse DR1 is the fastest F1 car in GTA 5, based on the real-life Dallara DW12 IndyCar, with exceptional handling and braking systems. Its acceleration is better than the Progen PR4, and it also features a double-barrel carburetor V10 …
Declasse DR1 Appreciation Thread - Vehicles - GTAForums
2020年8月11日 · A new Declasse Open Wheeler based on the Dallara DW12 Indy Car. Price: 2,997,000 Description: Take a good look at the DR1 and close your eyes. Do you feel faint from the smell of burning rubber? Is the intensity of the exhaust fumes making your hair fall out? Can you feel the splash of insects as...