Tips to impliment a GTD Tickler/Do later file? : r/todoist - Reddit
2018年10月9日 · I have the typical Problem of too many options in implimenting a GTD-style trove of Ideas and things to do later/maybe. How did you go in implimenting this? I thought of: Tags ( TICKLER/SomedayMaybe or something like that), a Someday/Maybe project with all of my ideas in it, a section in each project/area of focus with stuff to do later.
The Tickler File is an organizational tool which can be used to simplify the tracking of date-related items and to manage work flow. It works well as an adjunct to personal planners and calendars, allowing them to be used for streamlined focus on items that require on-going review and access.
Todoist + Google Calendar + IFTTT: How I created a GTD ... - Reddit
2023年6月22日 · The "Tickler" is an essential part of the "Getting Things Done" system: a way to remind yourself of things that you want to think about or do in the future.
Getting Things Done: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide - Todoist
In this guide, you’ll learn the art of Getting Things Done from principles to workflows along with the most intuitive way to implement them. We’ll focus on how to GTD with Todoist, a powerful duo if you’re ready to simplify your life, but the same principles apply no matter what app you use.
Digital Tickler Setup - Getting Things Done® Forums
2024年2月26日 · Is there a GTD recommended way to setup a digital tickler system? I thought that the setup guides would provided guidance on setting up a digital tickler file but each one just has an asterisk saying to see the GTD book for more information.
2025年2月13日 · 儘管去做(gtd)是一種十分流行的時間管理五步法。 它主要是基於排除一切干擾並全心全意投入任務清單這一思想,通過幫助您完成任務而不是努力記住您的任務來讓您減輕壓力和杜絕健忘。
第一章 | Todoist 如何满足 GTD - 少数派
2017年7月12日 · Todoist 的列表和标签是各个进阶工具里实现得最简单的,它们就在主界面,很显眼。 在相应的 Tab 下,选择新建列表 / 标签就能建立列表和标签: Todoist 中的列表和标签位置
Your tickler system : r/gtd - Reddit
2021年5月12日 · Using Todoist I have a project called “tickler” and just put a date on it to make it show up in the day I want to be reminded of it. I have a python program that opens a specific folder on my computer automatically depending on the day. I use the Gmail. Snooze and the label "Tickler". I used to do it with Evernote.
Getting Things Done (GTD) with Todoist
2025年2月13日 · Getting Things Done (GTD) is a popular, five-step time-management method that’s based on the idea of getting everything out of your head and onto your to-do list. It reduces stress and forgetfulness by helping you focus on completing tasks rather than trying to …
Testing out a new Todoist setup | Getting Things Done® Forums
2023年7月9日 · I‘m using Todoist for quite some time now and it works really well for me, due to the use of some programmed automation. In my setup, there also exists an explicit „Tickler-Project“. Within this project, I also interpret due dates as start dates, as some of …