Ultima GTR
Full spaceframe using mainly 38mm x 1.5mm dia tube MIG welded. Powder coated and panelled in 1.5mm NS4 Alloy sheet. Designed to accept engines up to 2000 bhp. Double element track design in carbon fibre. Unpainted GRP finished in immaculate gel coat finish. Ultima leather/alcontara seats and dashboard. Ultima branded instruments. Air conditioning.
Ultima GTR - Wikipedia
The Ultima GTR is a supercar manufactured by Ultima Sports Ltd of Hinckley, Leicestershire, England. [3][4] The car was available both in kit form and as a "turnkey" (i.e. assembled by the factory) vehicle until early 2015, when it was replaced by the Ultima Evolution.
Ultima GTR 535 specs, 0-60, quarter mile - FastestLaps.com
Ultima GTR 535 vs Porsche 918 Spyder. Koenigsegg CCX vs Ultima GTR 535. More Ultima cars 20. 2000 Ultima GTR 720 720 ps, 1050 kg. 2015 Ultima Evolution 1034 ps, 950 kg. Ultima GTR 640 649 ps, 991 kg. 1999 Ultima GTR 500 564 ps, 1023 kg. PhantomPorsche 18y ago. Yes all the Porsches do look almost the same and its getting boring! There has been ...
2024 Nissan GT-R AWD Sports Car
Explore the 2024 Nissan GT-R, an AWD sports car with impressive features. Check out its MSRP, robust engine performance, 6-speed dual-clutch transmission, and more.
日产GT-R - 百度百科
2014款GT-R搭载的依然是现款车型上的3.8T V6发动机 ,动力参数略有提升,最大 功率输出 为553马力,相比现款车型提高了13马力,峰值扭矩依然是628N·m。相比现款GT-R,新车最大变化是0-100km/h的 加速时间 提高了0.1秒,为2.7秒。
Used Nissan GT-R for Sale (with Photos) - CarGurus
Browse the best March 2025 deals on Nissan GT-R vehicles for sale. Save $21,394 this March on a Nissan GT-R on CarGurus.
日產GT-R - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日产GT-R採用了代号VR38DETT的3.8升雙渦輪增壓V6发动机,可在6400转速時爆發出570匹的峰值馬力,在3300至5800每分钟转速的區間爆發出最高633牛·米的扭矩;搭配后置6速自动双离合变速箱,只需在短短20毫秒內就完成換檔工作,配合日產汽車的 ATTESA E-TS智能 四輪驅動 系統,能使它在3.6秒內完成时速0至100公里的加速,后于2008年12月、2010年11月、2013年三次调整,最快达到了2.7秒)。
汽车之家日产gt-r频道,提供日产gt-r报价,日产在售日产gt-r图片,日产全部日产gt-r参数配置,日产gt-r最新文章,保养周期及费用等最新信息,最精彩日产gt-r ...
Ultima GTR 535 0-60, quarter mile, acceleration times ...
Ultima GTR 535 0-60 mph, quarter mile (1/4 mile), top speed, 0-100 kph and 73 other acceleration times
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