Review: Diatone GT-R90 Micro Quad - Oscar Liang
2017年11月15日 · The GT-R90 is a micro racing drone from Diatone that uses 2″ propellers and supports 3S and 4S LiPo batteries. In this review we will check out its features and performance.
Diatone 2018 GT-R90: There's a Full-Sized Beast Hidden Inside …
2018年1月25日 · What is the Diatone 2018 GT-R90? The Diatone 2018 GT_R90 is an excellent micro FPV quadcopter. The Diatone 2018 GT-R90 is the top-of-the-line model for the micro series of racers by Diatone. They did a nice job of engineering a little quad that packs a serious punch.
Nissan R390 GT1 - Wikipedia
The Nissan R390 GT1 was a racing car built in Atsugi, Japan. It was designed primarily to gain a suitable racing entry in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1997 and 1998. It was built to race under the grand touring style rules, requiring a homologated road version to be built.
20年前就能干翻GT-R —— 自家兄弟R390 GT1诞生记 - 搜狐
2017年2月27日 · NISMO转而开始和Tom Walkinshaw Racing(TWR)合作,开始生产代号为R390 GT1的跑车,在此基础上进军GT1组别。 特别是希望赛用版能够在此基础之上参与1997年和1998年的勒芒24小时耐力赛。 第一个面临的选择就是引擎。 在之前的赛事中,早已是传奇的RB26DETT直列六缸发动机一直是NISMO不二的选择。 然而对于赛车而言,RB26DETT则显得过于落后,铸铁的缸体导致过重的质量,而原先的设计导致RB系列发动机重心均偏高。 Nismo …
Review: Diatone GT-R239 (2019 R90 Rabbit) 2inch 3S Micro Quad
2019年1月5日 · Diatone keeps on improving their R90 series micro drone, and it’s just getting more affordable and durable! This model is intended as a starter quadcopter for new pilots. But I also see potential as a platform for installing a split-mini style camera for HD recording.
Diatone 2018 GT-R90 FPV Racing quadcopter
2017年10月18日 · Diatone’s GT-R90 is a micro sized FPV drone equipped with powerful brushless motors and topnotch FPV system. Instead of an all-in-one approach, Diatone opted for a tower design with 3 layers (flight controller, ESC and VTX). Built around the versatile F4 flight controller, the Diatone 2018 GT-R90 drone can be configured with multiple flight ...
Introducing the legendary Nissan GTR R90! - YouTube
If you had to choose, extreme speed or futuristic design? Why not both? Introducing the legendary Nissan GTR R90!Nissan GTR GTR R90 Super car Legendary Car S...
2024年11月28日 · 动力部分, 新款日产GTR Skyline Edition限量版将搭载3.8T V6双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率为419千瓦,最大扭矩为637牛米,传动系统为6速双离合变速箱,百公里加速时间为2.7秒,具体参数和信息,还以官方正式公布为准。
Diatone GT-R90 - Setup ⚙️ - YouTube
Hardware and (most of the) software setup of the Diatone 2018 GT-R90 using the FrSky R-XSR as the receiver.Get the Diatone GT-R90: https://goo.gl/jC8nKLGet t...