Gaia BH3 - Wikipedia
Gaia BH3 (Gaia DR3 4318465066420528000) is a binary system consisting of a metal-poor giant star with spectral type G and a stellar-mass black hole. Gaia BH3 is located 1926 light years away (590.6 ± 5.8 pc away) in the constellation of Aquila. Gaia BH3 is the first black hole discovered from preliminary Gaia DR4 astrometric data. [2]
蓋亞BH3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蓋亞BH3 (Gaia DR3 4318465066420528000)是由一顆光譜類型為 G 的貧金屬 巨星 和一顆 恒星質量黑洞 組成的一個 聯星系統。 蓋亞 BH3位於 天鷹座,距離1,926 光年 (590.6 ± 5.8 pc)。
ESA - Sleeping giant surprises Gaia scientists
2024年4月16日 · The star orbiting Gaia BH3 at about 16 times the Sun–Earth distance is rather uncommon: an ancient giant star, that formed in the first two billion years after the Big Bang, at the time our galaxy started to assemble. It belongs to the family of the Galactic stellar halo and is moving in the opposite direction to the stars of the Galactic disc.
Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia ...
2024年4月16日 · Gaia astrometry is expected to uncover many Galactic wide-binary systems containing dormant BHs, which may not have been detected before. The study of this population will provide new information on the BH-mass distribution in binaries and shed light on their formation mechanisms and progenitors.
2024年4月17日 · 该黑洞被命名为“Gaia BH3”,也是在银河系中发现的最大的恒星级黑洞,质量相当于33个太阳。 盖亚天文台通过研究1926光年之外的天鹰座内的一颗古老巨型恒星,发现其轨道存在一个摆动,表明它和一颗黑洞形成了双星系统,最终推算出了Gaia BH3的质量和轨道。 研究团队发现Gaia BH33之后,心情激动得就像《黑客帝国》里尼奥第一次看见矩阵,而在他们看来,矩阵就是银河系中沉睡的恒星级黑洞群,之前一直深藏不露。 不过, Gaia BH33并非距离 …
Gaia BH3: a 33 solar mass dormant BH discovered in Gaia …
Its mass makes it the most massive black hole of stellar origin discovered in our Galaxy so far. The system, named Gaia BH3, was found from the preliminary astrometry, and confirmed by Gaia RVS and ground based radial velocity mearurements.
Milky Way's biggest stellar-mass black hole lurks close to Earth
2024年4月16日 · The stellar-mass black hole, designated Gaia-BH3, is 33 times more massive than our sun. The previous most massive black hole of this class found in the Milky Way was a black hole in an X-ray...
Gaia BH3: The Colossal Black Hole Next Door - Scientia Magazine
2024年12月30日 · Gaia BH3 is the biggest stellar black hole recently discovered. European Southern Observatory confirmed this discovery on April 16, 2024. Its mass is equivalent to 33 …
[2503.01679] Swift Observations of Gaia BH3 - arXiv.org
2025年3月3日 · We present UV and X-ray observations, obtained with the Swift Observatory, of Gaia BH3 a binary system containing a 33 solar masses black hole discovered through Gaia astrometry. The system is well detected in all UV and optical filters (1700-6500 Å).
Gaia BH3 tools - Gaia - Cosmos
2024年4月16日 · BINARYS is a tool allowing to combine the Hipparcos and/or Gaia absolute astrometric data with relative astrometry and/or radial velocity measurements to determine the orbits of binary systems. BINARYS has been updated to work with Gaia BH3 data and was originally already published on the Gaia Community Tools page.