Assimilative modeling of low-latitude ionosphere - JPL Open …
The experiment is conducted to test the effectiveness of GAIM with a 4-D variational approach (4DVAR) in estimation of the ExB drift and thermospheric wind in the magnetic meridional …
Development of the global assimilative ionospheric model
This paper provides an overview of the development of the Global Assimilative Ionospheric Model (GAIM) by a team of investigators from the University of Southern California (USC) and the Jet …
JPL/USC GAIM: On the impact of using COSMIC and …
2010年2月10日 · JPL/USC GAIM is a physics-based 3-D data assimilation model that uses both four-dimensional variational analysis and Kalman-filter techniques to solve for the ion and …
JPL Ionospheric Remote Sensing
The GAIM model numerically solves for time evolution of 3-D volume densities of the major ion species, including O+, O2+, N2+, NO+, H+, He+, and electron density. GAIM has been …
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
2005年12月15日 · In this paper we study a specific implementation of the JPL/USC GAIM Kalman filter (single ion, low-resolution, and input data from 200 ground GPS sites) and validate its …
Global Assimilative Ionosphere Model (GAIM)(NPO-40584-1)
GAIM is used to estimate the three-dimensional electron density distribution of the Earth's ionosphere as a function of time. To achieve high accuracy for users, the software accepts a …
• JPL now routinely generates calibrated TEC and Abel electron density retrievals using COSMIC data. •Performed GAIM assimilation using data from 200 ground-based GPS and six COSMIC …
The University of Southern Califronia (USC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have jointly developed a Global Assimilative Ionospheric Model (GAIM) to monitor space weather, study …
USC/JPL GAIM Brian Wilson, JPL George Hajj, JPL, USC Lukas Mandrake, JPL Xiaoqing Pi, JPL, USC Chunming Wang, USC Gary Rosen, USC Beacon Satellite Symposium, Trieste, …
JPL/USC GAIM: On the impact of using COSMIC and …
2010年2月1日 · JPL/USC GAIM is a physics-based 3-D data assimilation model that uses both four-dimensional variational analysis and Kalman-filter techniques to solve for the ion and …