The Galton Whistle - Association for Psychological Science
2011年3月7日 · It became known as the “Galton Whistle.” Galton’s 1883 book Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development described some of the pioneering research he conducted with the whistle. Galton and subsequent researchers used these whistles to create increasingly higher frequency tones to test research subjects as well as animal abilities to ...
高尔顿音笛 - 百度百科
高尔顿音笛(Galton whistle)是一种听觉实验仪器。用以测量音高绝对上阈。1880年英国心理学家高尔顿发明。该仪器由一个橡皮气球、一个管道和一个用螺旋调节的直升式活塞组成。
RW Beckett 2" x 2" Oil Tank Vent Alarm - amazon.com
2013年5月2日 · Vent Alarm designed to "whistle" while tank is being filled, when whistle stops, it notifies the delivery person to halt the delivery. Prevents overfilling and spills. Fits into 2" oil tank bung hole and 2" vent pipe leading out to the fill spout.
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Galton Whistle - National Museum of American History
In 1876, an English scientist named Francis Galton introduced a whistle for testing the upper limits of audible sound in different persons. One of Galton's discoveries was the loss of hearing in high frequencies as persons aged.
Galton Whistle - Smithsonian Institution
The whistle's inability to emit a tone of constant pitch was it's main deficit, leading many researchers away from its use, especially as electronic equipment became available. The “EDELMANN / Munich” and "2073" inscriptions on this example refer to Max Thomas Edelmann, a German instrument maker who improved the form in 1900. ...
Galton Whistle – University of Toronto Scientific Instruments …
The Galton whistle was invented by Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) in the mid-1800s to test the upper limits of hearing. It became a standard piece of acoustical equipment in the early psychological laboratories.
"That imperfect instrument": Galton's whistle, Bierce's damned …
When the Galton whistle was introduced in the 1870s, it was the first demonstration many had encountered of the phenomenon that nonhumans sometimes exceed humans in sensory range, for example perceiving ultraviolet light and ultrasonic signals. While some empirical research had explored this possibi …
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Whistles for determing the upper limits of audible sound in different individuals, BY FRANCIS GALTON, F.R.S. The base of the inner tube of the whistle is the foremost end of a plug, that admits of being advanced or withdrawn by screwing it out or in; thus the depth of the inner tube of the whistle can be varied at pleasure.
Galton's inaudible whistle. | Science Museum Group Collection
Adjustable whistle in nickel silver, designed by Sir Francis Galton for determining the upper limit of audible sound, unsigned, British, 1890-1911. Details Category:
Dog whistle - Wikipedia
A dog whistle (also known as silent whistle or Galton's whistle) is a type of whistle that emits sound in the ultrasonic range, which humans cannot hear but some other animals can, including dogs and domestic cats, and is used in their training.