We are your precision partner in fixture manufacturing to support the automotive industry. Our work began with design, after receiving the DataCAD product, 2D product, and CF requirement. We have various machines that specialize in providing for multiple industries.
Profil PT Yogya Presisi Teknikatama Industri (PT YPTI)
PT YPTI serves the precision part, jig & fixtures, mold making, plastic injection molding, and research, development, and prototyping. PT YPTI has a full range of CNC Machines to fulfill customer satisfaction. We also offer reverse engineering to help our customers develop their designs until final execution.
🌟 Mari Bergabung dengan YPTI GROUP! 🌟 PT Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri membuka kesempatan bagi Anda untuk menjadi bagian dari perjalanan kami menuju kesuksesan. Bersama kita tumbuh, berkembang, dan mencapai hal luar biasa!
About Us - PT YPTI
PT YPTI serves the precision part, jig & fixtures, mold making, plastic injection molding, and research, development, and prototyping. PT YPTI has a full range of CNC Machines to fulfill customer satisfaction. We also offer reverse engineering to help our customers develop their designs until final execution.
PT. Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri – ASEAN ZONE
1999年9月9日 · PT Yogya Presisi Teknikatama Industri (PT YPTI) is your precision partner to fulfill needs checking fixture, mold, plastic injection and precision parts. Using the latest CNC technology to provide customers satisfaction with high quality product.
PT YPTI serves the precision part, jig & fixtures, mold making, plastic injection molding, and research, development, and prototyping. PT YPTI has a full range of CNC Machines to fulfill customer satisfaction. We also offer reverse engineering to help our customers develop their designs until final execution.
2019年9月2日 · Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri (PT.YPTI)beralamat jalan Cangkringan,Kalasan,Yogyakarta,Indonesia 55571,merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Molding,Spare Part,Plastik Injection,dan Checking Fixture dll. Sejarah Berdirinya Industri. PT. Yogya Presisi Tehniktama Industri berdiri pada tahun 1999.
PT YPTI - YouTube
With 16 years experience in tooling & precision parts making, PT YPTI is one of first indonesia owned companies engaged in Checking Fixture full body exterior and interior in automotive sector in...
Gambaran Umum Perusahaan GAMBARAN UMUM PERUSAHAAN …
Gambar 4.1 Stuktur Organisasi Sumber: PT. Yogya Presisi Teknikatama Industri. Rp 8,2 miliar tahun 2009 dan menjadi Rp 8,8 miliar tahun 2010.Selama ini PT YPTI masih lebih memfokuskan penjualan berbagai produknya di pasar domestik. Namun demikian PT YPTI kini juga mulai merintis ekspor pro.
Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri - Indonesia Mold & Dies …
PT YPTI serves the precision part, jig & fixtures, mold making, plastic injection molding, and research, development, and prototyping. PT YPTI has a full range of CNC Machines to fulfill customer satisfaction. We also offer reverse engineering to help our customers develop their designs until final execution.