GR1™ Compact CZT Spectrometer | Mirion
The 1 cm 3 CZT detector provides gamma spectra with significantly improved FWHM resolution as compared to NaI scintillators. This greatly improves the identification capability for many important isotopes (such as Thorium and Radium daughters in the background) with closely spaced gamma lines.
Key differences between a CZT gamma camera and a CsI imager
2019年6月20日 · The key differences between a CZT gamma camera and CsI really lie with the conversion technology. While CZT utilizes direct conversion, CsI uses indirect conversion with the aid of photodiodes.
Capabilities of Modern Semiconductor Gamma Cameras in …
This paper presents a review of the literature concerning the clinical application of modern semiconductor (CZT) gamma cameras in the radioinuclide diagnosis of coronary artery disease. It contains information on the diagnostic efficacy of ...
Gamma ray spectroscopy is a measurement technique that permits identification of specific isotopes by recording the energy of the gamma rays emitted by the isotope. For example 235U may be identified by the presence of 185 keV gamma rays.
Performance testing of new CZT technology – The future of gamma …
Recent advances in gamma camera technology has seen the introduction of cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) digital SPECT-CT systems for nuclear medicine imaging. This new technology offers improved energy resolution, spatial resolution and system sensitivity over conventional sodium-iodide (NaI) scintillation systems.
Detecting astrophysical objects emitting gamma rays with …
We are developing a novel type of gamma-ray imager based on position-sensitive CZT detectors. We designed and prototyped a detecting plane that allows us to measure the energies of gamma rays and the locations of their interaction points within the detector.
Monte Carlo modelling of a compact CZT-based gamma camera …
The CZT model is tuned to reproduce experimentally measured energy spectra of a hand-held gamma camera system for multiple radionuclides (99 m Tc, 123 I and 177 Lu) and parallel-hole collimators (MEGP, LEHR) as well as an uncollimated system.
Spec-RAM CZT gamma spectrometer – LabLogic
2024年6月4日 · Designed for radionuclidic identity and radionuclidic purity measurements, the Spec-RAM CZT offers a cost-effective alternative to High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors, making it the ideal solution for medical radioisotope producers, radiopharmacies, and research facilities when identifying any impurities or contaminants present in a sample.
Cadmium zinc telluride CZT gamma-ray and x-ray detectors
Cadmium zinc telluride CZT is a room temperature semiconductor that directly converts X-ray or gamma-ray photons into electrons. Kromek specialises in growing CZT crystals and turning it into radiation detectors that offer excellent energy resolution and high charge collection efficiency.
Evaluation of CZT gamma cameras for human SPECT and small …
2018年5月1日 · Integration of pixelated CZT detectors with advanced ASICs and readout electronics improves system performance. Our objective was to build both a small FOV gamma camera and a general-purpose human SPECT gamma camera and to evaluate their cost and performance for clinical applications.
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