Blumea balsamifera - Wikipedia
Simple, alternate, broadly elongated leaves, 7-20 cm long, with toothed margin and appendaged or divided base. Loose yellow flower head scattered along much-branched leafy panicles. Two types of discoid flowers: peripheral ones tiny, more numerous, with tubular corolla; central flowers few, large with campanulate corolla.
Young Furled Taro (Gabi) Leaves - Market Manila
2015年3月17日 · The taro leaves were smaller, a lighter green, incredibly supple and still naturally curled (furled) up. While the vendor and a Bicolano relative (who I called to ask) explained that the unfurled leaves didn’t need to be dried, I put them out under the hot sun for 20 minutes anyway…
Sambong Leaves: Uses, Benefits, Risks, and How to Prepare
2024年6月14日 · Sambong, scientifically known as Blumea balsamifera, is a popular medicinal plant in many parts of Asia, particularly in the Philippines. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. In this article, we will explore what sambong leaves are, how to use them, their benefits, potential side effects, and more.
A survey of obscure leaves used as flavoring in Philippine cuisine
2015年9月1日 · A careful survey of Philippine regional cuisine would reveal a number of obscure leaves that are being used to flavor some homegrown dishes. Unlike the use of giant banana leaves and coconut fronds, which are just about everywhere there are rice cakes and binalot meals, these leaves are seldom known to the rest of the populace, thus the lack of ...
Plant identification by their leaves
In this part of the site you can identify trees, shrubs, garden plants, weeds and herbs by their leaves. On leaftypes.com, one of my other projects, you can identify plants by the shape of their leaves.
Amaranth Greens - Cooking Amaranth Leaves | Hank Shaw
2022年5月23日 · The most common, basic and wonderful recipe for amaranth leaves, or really any leafy green, is this: Heat some oil, add a chopped onion and some garlic, salt, the greens, stir-fry to wilt them, add some sort of chile, then a little acid (citrus or …
Potential Health Benefits of Sambong
The potential benefits of sambong leaves make it a candidate for a natural alternative to conventional diuretics and medications aimed at preventing kidney stones. If further studies support its efficacy, sambong could be integrated into more formal medical practices as a beneficial treatment for kidney health.
Artocarpus odoratissimus - Wikipedia
Artocarpus odoratissimus is an evergreen tree growing to 25 metres (82 ft) tall. The leaves are 16–50 cm (6–20 in) long and 11–28 cm (4–11 in) broad, similar to the breadfruit's, but are a little less lobed. Many trees lose the leaf lobing once mature.
2.4: Leaves - Biology LibreTexts
2024年11月26日 · Leaves are specialized organs of the shoot for performing photosynthesis. A leaf is often a relatively large, flat surface used to optimize sunlight capture. Most leaves have determinate growth, meaning that growth stops once the leaf reaches a certain size.
东方乐器博物馆藏甘美兰乐器初探(一) - shcmusic.edu.cn
基于甘美兰种种神秘的吸引力,2004 年,由香港保健协会主席周文轩先生出资,上海音乐学院东方乐器博物馆从印度尼西亚购置了一套大型甘美兰乐器,这是我国引进的第一套配置齐备的甘美兰。 这套珍贵藏品由梭罗王宫廷乐师之子萨旺多制作,其精美的做工及优质的音色得到了印尼当地乐师的高度评价。 低音吊锣(Gong Ageng)是乐队中形制最大的乐器,是乐队的最低音。...