AIM-4 Falcon - Wikipedia
The GAR-1 had semi-active radar homing (SARH), giving a range of about 5 mi (8.0 km). About 4,000 missiles were produced. It was replaced in production by the GAR-1D (later AIM-4A), …
AIM-4飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
gar-1d大约生产12000枚,是半主动雷达制导型的主要生产型号。 gar-2(aim-4b)與aim-4a相似,但是採用紅外線導引,由于早期紅外線導引头的灵敏度问题,紅外線導引的隼式导弹只能从 …
Missile, Air-to-Air, Falcon GAR-1 - National Air and Space Museum
This is the Falcon, or GAR-1 (Guided Aircraft Rocket), the first of a large family of U.S. air-to-air solid-fuel guided missiles and the first guided air-to-air missile to enter operational service. …
AIM-4导弹-AIM-4 隼(Falcon)|导弹|战斗机|美国空军_新浪新闻
2019年7月27日 · 1955年,美国空军改变心意,停止赋予导弹类似飞机的编号,所以隼式导弹再次更改编号为GAR-1,这个编号使用到1963年才以三军统一编号AIM-4与以取代。 首批量产 …
AIM-4/26/47(Falcon)“猎鹰”空对空导弹 - 百度百科
首次进入空军服役的“猎鹰” 空空导弹,最初编号为GAR-1,随后在该型号基础上迅速改进发展,到1961年3月向空军交付了30000多枚各型“猎鹰”导弹。 其中,4000枚GAR-1/1D,9500枚GAR …
Armament AIM-4 Missiles - F-106 Delta Dart
2025年3月3日 · The GAR-1 was a semi-active radar homing short-range (8 km / 5 miles) intercept missile. It had a Thiokol M58 solid-fuel rocket motor and a rather small 3.4 kg (7.6 lb) high …
Arming America’s Interceptors: The Hughes Falcon Missile Family
Development of the improved Falcon missiles began in 1951 while the GAR-1 was still undergoing testing. Early GAR-1 missiles could intercept a target at an altitude of 50,000 feet. The new …
Model, Missile, Falcon GAR-1 | National Air and Space Museum
This is a model of unknown scale of the GAR-1 (also designated the AIM-4), the first in a series of Falcon air-to-air missiles developed by Hughes Aircraft for the U.S. Air Force. It had a range of …
The GAR-1 had semi-active radar homing (SARH), giving a range of about 5 miles (8 km). About 4,000 rounds were produced. It was replaced in production by the GAR-1D (later AIM-4A), …
Record Missile, Air-to-Air, Falcon GAR-1 | Collections Search …
This is the Falcon, or GAR-1 (Guided Aircraft Rocket), the first of a large family of U.S. air-to-air solid-fuel guided missiles and the first guided air-to-air missile to enter operational service. …