Garagos - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Garagos (pronounced: /ˈgɑːrɑːgoʊs/ GAH-rah-gohs[10]), known as Targus in the times of ancient Netheril, was a Faerûnian demigod of war and exarch of Tempus,[4] focused more on barbaric war: the aspect of destruction and plundering than the strategy or logistics.[11]
卡拉苟斯Garagos | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
卡拉苟斯Garagos,旧名 泰格斯Targus,是 耐瑟神系 的主要战神,后遭 坦帕斯 击败并疑似被弑杀后,重新复活为半神。 (掠夺者The Reaver,百兵大师Master of All Weapons,战争之主Lord of war) 喧癫空隧半神力Demipower of Pandemonium,混乱中立CN. 信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.: 守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE. 某些传说声称,在新崛起的 坦帕斯Tempus 将其推翻前,卡拉苟斯Garagos(读作“伽拉苟斯GAH-rah-gohs”)是 …
坦帕斯Tempus | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
坦帕斯Tempus 是泛费伦神系的主要战神,他在决斗中击败(并弑杀)了 卡拉苟斯 而取得了目前的地位,并任由后者被复活实际成为了自己狂吠的看门狗。 后来坦帕斯先后擢升了 乌斯伽 (被称为坦帕斯之子)和 红骑士 (被称为坦帕斯之女)成为半神,并在 奥法瘟疫 事件期间,将 维尔寇 和 卡拉苟斯 正式纳入麾下。 在 动荡之年 期间,坦帕斯曾出现在多处战场,并在 阴影谷 的地下弑杀了刚刚获得 密斯特拉 神力碎片而登神的卓尔野魔法之神 马利克,但可能因为 午夜 登神等原 …
Garagos - Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki | Fandom
Once Garagos was an honored deity of war, a being associated more with military victory through fury than perseverance through sound tactical decisions. He eventually came into conflict with the young demigod Tempus, who vied for his dominance over warcraft.
Garagos, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Garagos is a deity associated with the rampaging destruction and plundering of war, rather than tactics, strategies, or armies. The Reaver is linked with the mad bloodlust that overtakes some warriors, resulting in horrifying carnage.
Church of Garagos - Forgotten Realms Wiki
The Church of Garagos was a collection of clerics, crusaders, shamans, and specialty priests called bloodreavers devoted to Garagos, the Reaver. Collectively, Garagos' worshipers were dubbed the Garagathans .
Garagos - Wikipedia
Garagos may refer to: Garagos, Egypt, a village; Garagos, a deity in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game
Garagos (PP) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Some legends claim Garagos (GAH-rah-gohs) was the primary war god in western Faerûn until he was overthrown by the upstart Tempus. Certainly, Garagos was worshiped in Westgate and the Vilhon Reach during the days of Myth Drannor, and his faith was strong long before that time—reportedly even in ancient Netheril.
Garagos | NWNWiki | Fandom
Name: Garagos Divine rank: demigod Title(s): The Reaver, Master of All Weapons, Lord of War Symbol: a counterclockwise pinwheel of five snaky arms Home plane: Alignment: chaotic neutral Portfolio...
Garagos - Sundren Wiki
Garagos is associated with the rampaging destruction and plundering of war than tactics, strategies, or armies. The Reaver is linked with the mad bloodlust that overtakes some warriors, resulting in horrifying carnage. (Followers of Tempus claim their god destroyed Garagos by using the Reaver's berserking fury against him.)