GAS 35 H AFC Wet/Dry Extractor | Bosch Professional
The GAS 35 H AFC Professional is the high-performance wet/dry dust extractor enabling better user protection. Its safety filter traps 99.995% of health-endangering dusts.
GAS 35 L AFC - 3 601 JC3 280 | 博世专业电动工具 - Bosch Global
GAS 35 L AFC 3 601 JC3 280 230 V 通用吸尘器 Bosch BL Bosch blue 专业工具
GAS 35 M AFC Corded Dust Extractor | Bosch Professional
The corded GAS 35 M AFC Professional is Bosch's versatile M-class wet and dry dust extractor with automatic filter cleaning. It features an automatic filter cleaning technology that guarantees sustained, powerful suction and enables a very fast work progress.
博世(BOSCH)GAS 35L AFC 移动式干湿两用工业级吸尘器 官方 …
【GAS 35L AFC】京东JD.COM提供GAS 35L AFC正品行货,并包括GAS 35L AFC网购指南,以及GAS 35L AFC图片、GAS 35L AFC参数、GAS 35L AFC评论、GAS 35L AFC心得、GAS 35L AFC技巧等信息,网购GAS 35L AFC上京东,放心又轻松
GAS 35 L AFC Aspiratore a filo | Bosch Professional
Il GAS 35 L AFC Professional è l’aspiratore a umido e a secco Bosch con alimentazione a filo, per classe di polveri L, con sistema di pulizia filtro automatica. La tecnologia di pulizia filtro automatica garantisce un’aspirazione costante ed efficiente, per un lavoro molto rapido.
GAS 35 L SFC+ Corded Dust Extractor | Bosch Professional
GAS 35 L SFC+ Heavy Duty | L-BOXX can be clicked onto it to provide a practical transport and storage solution for mobile use, The most convenient semi-automatic filter cleaning system (SFC+) which is operated with only one hand movement to enable rapid work progress, Best extraction results due to powerful 1200 watt suction turbine with very ...
Електрическа прахосмукачка BOSCH GAS 35 L • Ценa
Електрическа прахосмукачка за мокро и сухо почистване BOSCH GAS 35 L AFC има мощност 1380 W, обем 35 л и дебит 74 л/сек. Машината се отличава с изключителна мобилност и автоматично почистване на филтъра. Постига най-добри резултати чрез мощната изсмукваща турбина с постигане на голям вакуум.
GAS 35 L SFC+ Corded Dust Extractor | Bosch Professional
The GAS 35 L SFC+ Professional is Bosch's corded, L-class wet and dry dust extractor with a convenient semi-automatic filter cleaning (SFC+) system. This system enables quick and easy onehanded filter cleaning for faster, uninterrupted work progress.
Bosch GAS 35 L SFC+ Wet & Dry Extractor - Axminster Tools
High suction L class wet and dry extractor suitable for extracting softwood dusts like spruce, fir or pine as well as Corian dust. The powerful suction turbine (max 254 millibar) is combined with a semi-automatic filter cleaning system (SFC) that ensures.
Bosch GAS 35 L AFC Professional 06019C3200 - Ceneo.pl
Bosch Heavy Duty – moc, wydajność i wytrzymałość w nowej odsłonie! GAS 35 L AFC Professional to odkurzacz sieciowy Bosch do pracy na sucho i mokro, należący do klasy L i wyposażony w system automatycznego oczyszczania filtra.
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