The elite haplotype OsGATA8 -H coordinates nitrogen uptake and …
2024年6月13日 · We identify OsGATA8 -H as a high-NUE haplotype with enhanced nitrogen uptake and a higher proportion of productive tillers. The geographical distribution of OsGATA8 …
GATA转录因子OsGATA8;GATA transcription factor; GATA
2024年6月13日 · OsGATA8通过调节参与胁迫耐受、活性氧清除和叶绿素生物合成关键基因的表达,整合多个细胞过程,包括K + /Na + 含量、光合效率、相对含水量、Fv/Fm比率和亚细胞器 …
植物中GATA转录因子的研究进展 - 百度学术
GATA转录因子是一类广泛存在于真核生物中的转录因子,在植物光响应调控,叶绿素合成,细胞分裂素响应以及碳,氮代谢等生物学过程中发挥重要作用,这些生物学过程与作物产量息息相关, …
Analysis of GATA transcription factors and their expression …
2023年12月2日 · GATA transcription factors are type IV zinc-finger proteins that play key roles in plant growth and responses to environmental stimuli. Although these proteins have been …
Genome-wide comparative analyses of GATA transcription …
2021年8月16日 · GATA transcription factors (TFs) are widespread eukaryotic regulators whose DNA-binding domain is a class IV zinc finger motif (CX 2 CX 17–20 CX 2 C) followed by a …
GATA factor transcriptional activity: Insights from genome
2019年10月1日 · Here, we review the results of genome-wide studies of GATA factor occupancy in human and murine cell lines and primary cells (as determined by chromatin …
Q9SV30 - UniProt
Transcriptional activator that specifically binds 5'-GATA-3' or 5'-GAT-3' motifs within gene promoters. May be involved in the regulation of some light-responsive genes (By similarity) Tools
ResearchGate | Find and share research
Access over 160 million publication pages and stay up to date with what's happening in your field. Share your research, collaborate with your peers, and get the support you need to advance …
GATA download | SourceForge.net
2012年9月20日 · GATA is a graphic alignment tool for comparative sequence analysis. It makes use of BLAST to graphically align two DNA sequences, creating box- line- box representations …
GATA Transcription Factors and Cancer - PMC - PubMed Central …
This review focuses on the role of GATA transcription factors in carcinogenesis. GATA factors are zinc finger DNA binding proteins that control the development of diverse tissues by activating …