The Gau Bible - The Ultimate Guide to Gau - Steam Community
2015年12月24日 · If Gau has been hit with Entice or Zombie, targeting is reversed towards your teammates. Confusion has no effect on Gau's targeting. If Gau is under Berserk, then he will still have a chance to use the special attack, even if it is Magic-based. Gau's physical power will still be amplified by Berserk's effects.
Help with Gau and learning all Rages. - Steam Community
2016年2月15日 · To make things easier, use the Checklist in the Appendix in Notepad(++) or print it. 1 checkbox is for encountering the enemy, the other is you learned it. Use that and the Walkthrough together to acquire everything. You can ignore the Gau battle strategies, but use them if you wish to use Gau while you acquire them.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Rage Walkthrough—Final Fantasy VI
2016年1月2日 · Rage Walkthrough—Final Fantasy VI Translation update of Djibriel’s Rage Guide With the inclusion of achievements to the mobile and Steam ports of Final Fantasy VI, it is inevitable that a group of completionists will tirelessly earn all 28 achievements the game has to offer—including the most annoying of the bunch, “King of …
Character Guide - Steam Community
2018年3月1日 · Simply requires beating a boss (twice if you didn’t do the first half earlier) that isn't particularly hard, especially if you grabbed the early Minerva Bustier via Coliseum, and she joins. As a fun side note, Terra rejoining forces you into a 3 party team, which makes getting Gau right after her ideal since you're already set up for that.
Guide :: FINAL FANTASY VI - Steam Community :: Guide
2022年3月4日 · Watch the scene and learn about Gau's Rages. Gau joins the party! To Learn a Rage, you must engage in a battle and use the Leap ability against a group of enemies whose you don't have the Rages of (check Rages in TAB → Abilities → Gau → Rage), then Gau will leave your party for random number of encounters. After a few battles, he will ...
Steam Community :: Guide :: Bestiary & Gau Rage Tracking Sheet
2020年1月31日 · Utilizing multiple sources, I have made a Google Docs file to make obtaining Gau's rages and Bestiary credits easy and user friendly. This File features: 1 sheet for: A full Bestiary, area by area. Featuring check boxes for easy completion! 1 Sheet for: A full Veldt formation guide, per grouping. Featuring check boxes for easy completion!
Steam Community :: Guide :: FFVI - Missable & Optional Content
2022年2月23日 · 076 - Sergeant: Also needed for Gau's Rages in Veldt. 077 - Belzecue: Also needed for Gau's Rages in Veldt. 078 - Proto Armor; Esper: After defeating Ifrit and Shiva be sure to pick their Magicites, no, really. Bestiary: 079 - Trapper: On the room with the stairs behind Shiva. Note: We will use Rage/Sketch later to have Strago learn the Lore ...
FINAL FANTASY VI - Steam Community
The Gau Bible - The Ultimate Guide to Gau by Bamethyst38 This guide shows the mechanics behind Gau, the Veldt itself, Leap and Rage, the outcomes of the Rages you use and learn which ones you should use to quickly slaughter any opposition that dares challenge you.
FINAL FANTASY VI General Discussions - Steam Community
2022年3月7日 · DISCLAIMER - I don't have the game yet, but I will down the road. In the meantime - I'm asking if anyone on here has been able to get a full bestiary completed? And/or a full list of rages for Gau? If yes to either, maybe we can have screenshots of them in order to compare the differences to the previous versions?
Question for Gau's Rage skill, and request for the developers :: …
2022年3月14日 · Stray Cat lost a lot of its luster when they stopped letting Gau equip the Merit Award. Its still nice, but hardly as essential as it used to be. Templar is the absolute best go-to Rage for a good long while. Its available right away, it gives Gau protect, and it casts Fira. Basically everything you could ever need for the first half of the game.