The Global Dementia Observatory - World Health Organization
2018年5月27日 · The Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) Reference Guide has been designed to standardize the GDO data collection across Member States. It assists country focal points in collating relevant national-level data by providing the definition, rationale, method of estimation, and potential data sources for each indicator.
Observatory (GDO). The GDO’s main objective is to collate and disseminate data from Member States on key dementia indicators to strengthen countries’ ability to respond to the needs of people with dementia and their carers. Data collected through the GDO will help strengthen relevant policies
Publication Item - World Health Organization (WHO)
The Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) Reference Guide has been designed to standardize the GDO data collection across Member States. It assists country focal points in collating relevant national-level data by providing the definition, rationale, method of estimation, and potential data sources for each indicator.
The Global Dementia Observatory Reference Guide
The document is divided into three main chapters, each addressing one of the three GDO domains (i.e. Policy, Service delivery and Information & Research) and their related subdomains; and a Glossary for technical terms.
- [PDF]
Global Dementia Observatory (GDO), an interactive web-based data and knowledge exchange platform - which will serve as the monitoring mechanism for the global dementia action plan. The list of delegates and detailed agenda can be found in Appendices 1 …
The global dementia observatory reference guide - World Health …
World Health Organization. (2018). The global dementia observatory reference guide. World Health Organization. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/272669.
Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) country profiles: United …
2021年3月5日 · Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) country profiles: United States of America - Select language - العربية 中文 français русский español português 5 March 2021
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Principal Clinical Data Manager (PCDM), GDO in Bogotá, …
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