GAU-19 - Wikipedia
The GAU-19/A (GECAL 50) is an electrically driven, three-barrel rotary heavy machine gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) cartridge. The GAU-19/A is designed to accept …
GAU-19/A(GECAL 50) 机枪 - 枪炮世界
安装在UH1舱门边的早期试验中的GECAL 50或是GAU-19/A. 在V-22上配用的GAU-19/A有两种方案,一种是安装在机首下方,另一种是安装在机腹. GAU-19/A的体积比M134大一点. GAU …
GAU-19 - 百度百科
GECAL 50,被美国军队命名为GAU-19/A(英语:GAU-19/A;GAU,全写:Gun Automatic Universal,意为:通用自动火炮),是由美国通用电气开发、由通用动力制造的电力驱动加特 …
USA 0.50"/70 (12.7 mm) Gatling Gun GAU-19/A - NavWeaps
Another in the General Electric series of Gatling guns, the "GECAL 50" is currently manufactured by General Dynamics. This is a relatively light-weight weapon, allowing it to be mounted on …
GAU19/A航空机枪 - 百度百科
该枪最初由通用电气公司研发,称为gecal 50,被美国军队采用后获得更正式的名称。 它是一款三管加特林式武器,需要外部动力,如车载电池。 其火力比标准勃朗宁M2HB强得多,但重量增 …
现代加特林机枪机炮 ——〖枪炮世界〗
经过进一步的研制和改进,GE公司研制出这种高射速航炮的第一个原型是在1949年开始内部测试的T45型,也被称为“火神A型”(Model A Vulcan),这个原型虽然是发射.60英寸口径弹药, …
GE GAU-19/A / GECAL 50 - nazarian.no
The GECAL 50, officially designated by the United States military as the GAU-19/A, is an electrically-driven Gatling gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7x99mm) cartridge. Due to its weight …
GECAL 50 - YouTube
2010年1月30日 · The GECAL 50, officially designated by the United States military as the GAU-19/A, is an electrically-driven Gatling gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7x99mm) cartridge. Due …
12.7x99mm (.50-cal) cartridge of the immortal Browning M2HB heavy machine gun ensued. While designed to be compatible with Saboted Light Armor Penetrator (SLAP) rounds, the GAU-19/A …
M61 “火神”机炮 - 枪炮世界
由 “火神”计划 研制而成的M61机炮是在1956年12月通过设计定型的,正式生产是在1959年初期开始,在生产了480具M61后,于1964年开始转产最新的M61A1。 M61A1与M61相比,最大的 …