Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy - ScienceDirect
Fundamental and applied catalysis research, advancing clean energy and sustainable environmental solutions. Catalysis-driven insights fostering the development of sustainable industrial processes, elevating our collective knowledge base.
Geert Hammink - acb.com
Nombre completo: Gerrit Hendrick Hammink. Lugar nacimiento: Nijmegen, Países Bajos. Fecha nacimiento: 12/07/1969 (55 años) Puntos Punt. Triples Trip. Rebotes Reb. Asistencias Asist. …
Air Cargo Belgium sets out ambitious strategy
2024年10月27日 · Eight years after its inception, Air Cargo Belgium (ACB) is scaling up. The organization is transforming itself into a forceful community that is to become a forerunner in innovation and digitalization and wants to establish a formidable presence on …
《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》像不像“庆余年”里的范闲? …
ACA和ACB源于共同的母刊—— Applied Catalysis。 Applied Catalysis自出版后大概活跃了十年(1981-1991),就于1991年正式停刊,同年ACA延续了它的血脉,次年ACB诞生。 而ACB近几年其影响因子一路飙升,到底是灌水? 还是稳扎稳打? 今天就一起来看下吧!
2023年3月20日 · APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL的文章主要研究领域: 催化消除环境污染物,如氮氧化物、一氧化碳、硫化合物、氯化物和其他有机化合物,以及固定或移动源排放的烟灰. 基本了解用于环境污染减排的催化剂,特别是应用于工业过程的催化剂. 新型和商业适用环境催化剂的制备、表征、活化、失活和再生的各个方面. 用于生产清洁能源的新催化路线和工艺,例如通过催化燃料加工制氢;以及燃料电池用新型催化剂和电催化剂.
我室孔洁静副教授等在ACB杂志上发表“具有热释电效应的S型异质 …
2024年12月5日 · 本研究通过简便的水热法,巧妙地将微量Pt与过量Bi引入Bi2WO6 /CeO2体系,成功开发出一种具有高氧化还原性能的S型异质结催化剂—Pt/Bi-Bi2WO6 /CeO2。 催化剂的表征实验证明:在这一精妙的结构中,光生电荷的迁移遵循S型机制。 界面处的Bi扮演了双重且至关重要的角色:① Bi如同一座连接着Bi2WO6 /CeO2的电子导桥,有效促进低电势光生电荷的湮 …
Decreto 10385 2024 de Goiás GO - Leis Estaduais
Institui, no exercício de 2024, a Gratificação de Estímulo à Efetiva Regência de Classe - GEERC e a Gratificação de Coordenação Pedagógica - GRATCP na Secretaria de Estado da Educação - SEDUC,, em conformidade com as Leis estaduais nº 13.909, de 25 de setembro de 2001, e nº 21.793, de 17 de fevereiro de 2023.
Asian corn borer (ACB) and non‐ACB pests in GM corn (Zea …
2012年12月11日 · Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and Bt herbicide-tolerant (BtHT) corns have been developed to reduce borer attacks worldwide. This study assessed the extent of ACB and non-ACB pest infestations in both GM and non-GM corn in Isabela Province, the Philippines.
Brussels Airport bets on community operation via Air Cargo Belgium
“As the extended arm of Brussels Airport Company (BAC), Air Cargo Belgium (ACB) is the driving force behind community operations. On behalf of airlines, handlers, forwarders, airport authority and other stakeholders, ACB sets strategic and ambitious goals for the development of air cargo.