Geevo αβ valve (split butterfly valve) Pass OEB5 containment performance grade test successfully! 吉沃αβ阀(分体式蝶阀)顺利通过OEB5密闭性能等级测试! [2024-07-05] 更多...
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geevo® is a leading Cybersecurity, Data Protection, Privacy and Risk Management boutique of services, combining legal, compliance and technical expertise. We recognized from day one the urgent need of businesses looking to protect sensitive data, adhere to regulatory compliance, and reduce the risk posed by cybercriminals.
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杭州吉沃科技有限公司 - 微生物检测、物料密闭转移技术
杭州吉沃科技有限公司版权所有 浙ICP备10205249号-1
Gevo - Advanced Renewable Fuels
Gevo creates protein-rich additions to the food chain and advanced renewable fuels simultaneously, and also powers processes that create additional energy sources, such as renewable natural gas and green hydrogen.
杭州吉沃科技有限公司 - 微生物检测、物料密闭 ... - Geevo
2024年3月7日 · 分体式蝶阀作为一种物料密闭转移的设备,在制药、化工、食品、核工业等多个领域都有着广泛的应用。 它在无菌粉体,高致敏性及毒性物料的密闭转移过程控制起到了非常重要的作用。 分体式蝶阀由主动阀和被动阀组成,当两者结合之后,才能开启物料转移通道。 两者分离,则各自为独立的密封体。 它用于物料无菌输送或毒性密闭转移时,能有效的保护物料,操作人员和操作环境。 适用于密闭条件下的装料、卸料、配料、粉碎、取样等。 其设计和生产符 …
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