Geevo αβ valve (split butterfly valve) Pass OEB5 containment performance grade test successfully! [2024-07-05]
geevo® - Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Data Protection and …
Meet your IT security product needs with geevo®. We partner with industry-leading security technology manufacturers to optimise your security environment, by offering a wide range of products, enabling you to secure your remote workforce, build trusted IT infrastructure, offer multi factor authentication and many more.
About - geevo®
geevo® is a leading Cybersecurity, Data Protection, Privacy and Risk Management boutique of services, combining legal, compliance and technical expertise. We recognized from day one the urgent need of businesses looking to protect sensitive data, adhere to regulatory compliance, and reduce the risk posed by cybercriminals.
杭州吉沃科技有限公司 - 微生物检测、物料密闭转移技术
杭州吉沃科技有限公司Hangzhou Geevo Technology Co., Ltd.: 地址: Add: 浙江省杭州市余杭经济 技术开发区五洲路18号 No.18 Wuzhou Road, Yuhang Economic & Technical Development Area, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China: 电话: Tel: 0571-89938051 86 571 89938051: 传真: Fax:
杭州吉沃科技有限公司 - 微生物检测、物料密闭 ... - Geevo
杭州吉沃科技有限公司成立于2010年,位于浙江省杭州市临平经济技术开发区,是一家集研发、生产和销售为一体的国家高新技术企业。 企业重视知识产权保护、始终坚持科技创新,拥有多项国家专利;研发中心每年投入销售额的10%用于产品研发;持续致力于制药、化学、质检、生物科技和食品饮料等领域的应用,提供高品质的产品,为客户产品的高效研发和制造提供助力。 吉沃自主品牌. 产品广泛应用于疾病预防控制、药品及生物制品的生产制造与检测、环境保护、质检、生 …
geevo® - LinkedIn
geevo® is a leading Cybersecurity, Data Protection, Privacy and Risk Management service provider. We recognized from day one the urgent need of businesses looking to protect sensitive data,...
geevo helps you sell the tickets for your event, conference or reunion in safe and secure way. How does it work? With geevo you can create your event and let your atendees focus on shoping their tickets without distrations. Your atendees can safely pay with their Apple or Google wallets, or any debit or credit card.
Geevoo - Digitaler Schülerausweis für Schulen | Effiziente ...
Die Schülerausweis-Plattform, die zeitgemäß Ihren Verwaltungsaufwand spart. Erleben Sie nahtlose Verbindungen für eine vollständige Schulmanagement-Lösung für digitale Schülerausweise. Erledigen Sie die Ausweisverwaltung in Sekunden – keine vergessenen oder verlorenen Ausweise mehr.
Academy - geevo®
Regardless of your field of expertise, geevo Academy offers training courses that speak to your needs and reflect the latest standards, technologies, approaches, most innovative methods, and practical examples. geevo Academy is also an approved training center by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus - HRDA (License #: 311).
杭州吉沃科技微生物检测技术:C系列水中微生物过滤系统, CF系列微生物过滤检测系统,无菌检查系统,培养基自动分装系统等;物料密闭转移分体式蝶阀技术:常规型分体式蝶阀,在线清洗灭菌型分体式蝶阀,阀体密封环,变径接口,不锈钢料桶等。