Gem-Pack Berries
At Gem-Pack Berries, we are dedicated to cultivating, harvesting, and delivering the world's finest strawberries, season after season, generation after generation.
Gem Pak Bulk Packaging System - Lincoln Electric
The patented Gem-Pak® is 300lbs of weld wire under a layer of glass payoff gems providing smooth tangle-free feeding. Guaranteed. Achieve more welding time today! The Gem-Pak system consists of a unique core structure and glass gems that are weighted based on alloy and wire diameter, which lay on top of the wire as it unreels during use.
GEM Premier 5000 Blood Gas Analyzer | Werfen North America
GEM Premier 5000 system measures blood gases, pH, electrolytes, metabolites, CO-Oximetry and more. iQM2 provides real-time assurance, the all-in-one, multi-use GEM PAK offers advanced simplicity and GEMweb Plus 500 Custom Connectivity enables comprehensive management of point-of-care testing.
GEM® Premier™ 5000 | Werfen in the UK
The GEM Premier 5000 whole blood* testing system measures blood gases, pH, electrolytes, metabolites, CO-Oximetry and more. iQM2 provides real-time assurance, the all-in-one, multi-use GEM PAK offers advanced simplicity and GEMweb Plus Custom Connectivity allows complete control of point-of-care testing.
GEM Premier 3500 POC Blood Gas Analyzer - Werfen
Fast, reliable whole blood testing for your lab and hospital. The GEM Premier 3500 system measures pH, blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites and more, while providing quality assurance through iQM, zero-maintenance with its multi-use, disposable GEM PAK and information management with GEMweb Plus 500 Custom Connectivity.
血气测定试剂盒GEM3500 - 继圣(上海)医疗器械有限公司
GEM3500血气分析仪在生物传感器、分析包、质控和信息管理方面体现了当技术发展的水平,令仪器具备*的简单、可靠和分析性能。 使用包含电、定标物质、管路、废液袋等在内的一体化分析包,电免维护。 测试成本清楚、明了,没有隐含成本。 在线咨询,尊敬的客户您好,我们会尽快回复您的咨询! 1.遵守中华人民共和国有关法律、法规,尊重网上道德,承担一切因您的行为而直接或间接引起的法律责任。 2.请您真实的反映产品的情况,不要捏造、诬蔑、造谣。 如对产品 …
GEM® Premier™ 5000 | Werfen in China
GEM一体化分析包具有高级简便、快速检测和成本管理三大特性。 GEM web Plus 500具有可定制的连接性和自动化管理,实现对分析仪、操作者和数据的全面管理。 GEM Premier 5000保证结果准确,不受操作者影响,提高病人护理。 让您在繁忙的实验室和床旁诊断中节省时间,从容应对! (本页所有内容均来自京械广审(文)第290325-15788号) GEM Premier 5000随时随地提供实时准确的结果,提高病人护理。 GEM Premier 5000全面的血气、电解质、代谢物检测系统可节 …
gem4000血气分析仪,进口国产gem4000血气分析仪厂家直销-上海 …
凭借其独特的***体化分析包(GEM PAK)智能化质量管理(iQM),包括碳氧血红蛋白检测在内的完善的检测菜单和集成的GEMweb Plus定制连接软件,GEM Premier 4000血气分析仪为急症诊断带来了真正的自动化。
GEM 5000
새로운 GEM Premier 5000 혈액 가스 검사 시스템은 모든 검체에 대해 자동화된 질 보증을 제공합니다. 이제 새로운 IntraSpect™ 기술을 갖춘 차세대 iQM2 (Intelligent Quality Management)를 통해 잠재적인 오류를 실시간 보정 및 문서화와 함께 검체 분석 이전과 이후뿐 만 아니라 분석 중에도 감지합니다. 또한 한 달에 한 번 일체형 GEM PAK만 교체만 하면 되어 간편하기까지 합니다. 따라서 테스트 장소 또는 현장 검사 사용자에 상관없이 휴대용 GEM Premier 5000 시스템의 모든 검체에 …
Gem premier 3000血气仪的工作原理及维护 - 百度文库
GEM Premier 3000是美国实验仪器公司生产的一种能快速分析全血标本的便携式血气分析仪,可对血气、压积、电解质、葡萄糖和乳酸参数进行检测。 具独有的iQM (TM)——智能质控管理系统,完全替代人工外部质控;超大彩色触摸屏,实现真正的人机对话模式;操作简捷的GEMweb (TM)——创新性远程管理系统,无需额外成本即可实现对仪器的远程控制和数据传输。 在确保测量精确度的同时真正做到了免维护。 [1] 朱显武.NOVA血气分析仪故障维修及保养 [J].中国医疗 …