Open-World Action Game - Generation Zero
Explore a vast open world, rendered with the award-winning Apex engine, featuring a full day/night cycle with unpredictable weather, complex AI behavior, simulated ballistics, highly realistic acoustics, and a dynamic 1980’s soundtrack. GET READY. THEN FIGHT BACK. Experience an explosive game of cat and mouse set in a huge open world.
Generation Zero® on Steam
Generation Zero is a stealth-action shooter where you wage guerilla warfare against lethal mechanical enemies. Explore a vast open world map inspired by the Swedish Cold War era, take part in the resistance alone or with up to three friends in seamless co-op.
Generation Zero Wiki - Fandom
The best source of information about Generation Zero, written for fans, by fans. Experience an explosive game of cat and mouse set in a vast open world. In this reimagining of 1980’s Sweden, hostile machines have invaded the serene countryside. Go it alone, or team-up with up to three of your friends in seamless co-op multiplayer.
Generation Zero | Generation Zero Wiki - Fandom
Generation Zero is a team-player online survival game developed and published by Avalanche Studios released on the 26th of March 2019, on Steam, Playstation store and Microsoft store. Explore a vast open world, rendered with the award-winning Apex engine, featuring a full day/night cycle with...
Generation Zero (video game) - Wikipedia
Generation Zero is an open-world, co-operative, first-person shooter, survival game that can be played online with up to three other players or solo. [5] The game takes place in an alternate 1989 Sweden where violent robots have taken over. The robots range in size from tiny scouting drones to massive robots that tower over the houses.
Machines - Generation Zero Wiki | Fandom
Machines are the enemies in Generation Zero. There are multiple different types of machines that the player will encounter, each with their own specific abilities, weapons, tactics, and subclasses. There are two primary factions controlling of machines: FNIX, and the Soviet Union.
The Final Showdown - An Update On Generation Zero
Nov 5, 2024 · In the Showdown Update, we are concluding the story arc that we’ve been building towards throughout the main missions and in-game lore. The story of Östertörn is reaching its third act in this mysterious, intense, explosive finale and the Resistance will need you once more! Here’s a small sneak peek:
Blog | Generation Zero
Sep 12, 2024 · Lunar New Year event - Live now! Steam Community Items - Available now! January Update - Now Live!
《零世代:Generation Zero》评测——空虚,空荡,空洞的世代
《零世代》沿用了自家的开放世界引擎 APEX,这一引擎在2年前的《猎人:狂野的呼唤》中已经证明其不菲的实力,美丽的自然景区成为许多猎户流连忘返之地。 本作的地貌结构与画面风格也与其类似,空无一人的大地上被大量的植被和光影点缀着,只不过这一次玩家所需要面对的不再是栖息在晨光中的生物群族,而是钢筋铁骨的 机械军团,而地位也从猎杀者转变成了“猎物”。 在这种相似的环境风格下,却由于主题更替而产生了完全不同的体验。 《猎人》之中那片寂静无人, …
【游戏试玩】【Generation Zero】试玩解说 - 哔哩哔哩
游戏名字《Generation Zero》发售:2019年3月26日配置:最低配置:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: 64bit OS - Windows 7 with Service Pack 1处理器: Intel i5 Quad Core内存: 8 GB RAM显卡: nVidia GTX 660 / ATI HD7870 - 2GB VRAM / Intel® Iris™ Pro , 视频播放量 5416、弹幕量 6、点赞数 23、投 ...
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