单细胞分析实录 (8): 展示marker基因的4种图形(一) - 知乎
今天的内容讲讲单细胞文章中经常出现的展示细胞marker的图: tsne / umap 图、 热图 、 堆叠小提琴图 、 气泡图 ,每个图我都会用两种方法绘制。 使用的数据来自文献:Single-cell transcriptomics reveals regulators underlying immune cell diversity and immune subtypes associated with prognosis ...
文献中的UMAP图怎么看?!1分钟详解! - 百越生物
2024年9月9日 · 1.定义:UMAP图是一种基于非线性降维的可视化方式,将高维数据映射到二维或三维空间,并保持数据之间的相对距离和结构,从而使得聚类、异质性和样本间的差异更为明显。 2.用途: (1)单细胞数据分析:UMAP图可以用于单细胞测序数据的降维分析,帮助研究人员探索细胞的状态和细胞间的相似性,从而揭示细胞分化和功能编排的机制。 (2)基因组学和转录组学:UMAP图可以帮助分析高维转录组数据,主要揭示基因库表达与特定生物过程的关 …
A review of UMAP in population genetics | Journal of Human
2020年10月14日 · Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) has been rapidly adopted by the population genetics community to study population structure. It has...
1分钟详解文献中的UMAP图 - do-gene.com
2025年1月11日 · 1.定义:UMAP图是一种基于非线性降维的可视化方式,将高维数据映射到二维或三维空间,并保持数据之间的相对距离和结构,从而使得聚类、异质性和样本间的差异更为明显。 2.用途: (1)单细胞数据分析:UMAP图可以用于单细胞测序数据的降维分析,帮助研究人员探索细胞的状态和细胞间的相似性,从而揭示细胞分化和功能编排的机制。 (2)基因组学和转录组学:UMAP图可以帮助分析高维转录组数据,主要揭示基因库表达与特定生物过程的关 …
What is a UMAP plot? - Single Cell Discoveries
2023年1月20日 · UMAP is an algorithm that takes a high-dimensional dataset (such as a single-cell RNA dataset) and reduces it to a low-dimensional plot that retains much of the original information. Most, if not all, single-cell RNA sequencing datasets contain thousands of gene expression counts per individual cell.
Seeing data as t-SNE and UMAP do - Nature Methods
2024年5月24日 · Principal component analysis (PCA), t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) and uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) are among the tools life scientists turn to for...
Mugen-UMAP: UMAP visualization and clustering of mutated …
2024年9月27日 · Mugen-UMAP, a Python package, extends the application of UMAP to single-cell DNA sequencing data, focusing on the visualization and identification of cell clusters based on gene mutation information.
Dimensionality reduction for visualizing single-cell data using UMAP
2018年12月3日 · Recently, a nonlinear dimensionality-reduction technique, uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP), was developed for the analysis of any type of...
Easy UMAP – explained with an example - biostatsquid.com
PCA, t-SNE, UMAP… you’ve probably heard about all these dimensionality reduction methods. In this series of blogposts, we’ll cover the similarities and differences between them, easily explained! ... Let’s imagine you have a single-cell dataset with the gene expression of 10000 genes across 50.000 cells. For each cell, and for each gene ...
Batch correcting single-cell spatial transcriptomics count data with ...
2025年2月25日 · Crescendo directly corrects gene expression. A Harmony batch corrects lower-dimensional embeddings like principal components that are visualized with a 2-dimensional UMAP.B Crescendo extends Harmony to batch correct genes expression, which can similarly be visualized in a UMAP.C Spatial transcriptomics allows for visualization of gene expression in the context of cellular locations.
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