General Sam - A Follower Mod at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus
2020年2月18日 · General Sam is a youtube dude who plays some stuff (such as skyrim). You should check his channel out here: [SAM] Really nice guy he is! The follower is fully voice acted by General Sam himself, and he will react to different situations you go through.
General Sam - YouTube
Consummate amateur and contrarian douche.
The Official General Sam Follower at Skyrim Nexus - Nexus Mods
2015年8月12日 · General Sam is a youtube dude who plays some stuff (such as skyrim). You should check his channel out here: [SAM] Really nice guy he is! The follower is fully voice acted by General Sam himself, and he will react to different situations you go through.
Skyrim general Sam mods : r/GeneralSam - Reddit
2023年7月11日 · A friendly community dedicated to providing information, helping others, and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. Please be sure to read (and follow) the rules of the sub before posting. We hope you’ll enjoy being a part of our community!
General Sam Follower Skyrim SE - Nexus Mods
2020年4月18日 · Happy hunting with General Sammy Sam-wise. This mod is originally made by oficialmnhz but the original didn't work in Skyrim SE. I have ported it over with no problems and for some reason General Sam is black instead of his original skin tone.
Skyrim › The New Saga - YouTube
2014年4月13日 · Help Support the channel!Become a Patron!: http://www.patreon.com/GeneralSam123Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeneralSam123Brandon's Channel: http://www.youtub...
Skyrim › The Best Follower Mod - YouTube
2015年8月30日 · The Official General Sam Follower Mod:http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68672/?-----Support the channel, ya know, if you're not a big...
2024年10月20日 · SAM一共提供了4种不同的光源,这里8u还是自己根据场景不同选择吧 。可自定义的选项包括光源距离、角度、高度、色调、饱和度等等。从其他mod中导入的光源也可以实现这些调整。
general sam skyrim mods : r/GeneralSam - Reddit
2023年7月3日 · anybody know if their are any mods for skyrim that reference general sam? either through a follower or quest or even just a easter egg in a mod
Mod Port Request: General Sam : r/SkyrimModsXbox - Reddit
2023年12月29日 · There used to be a port of this on Xbox, but ever since Bethesda decided to update Skyrim with their "Creations Update", it has essentially broken or deleted a lot of mods on their page, General Sam is one of them. As far as I know the author allows this mod to be ported, since it was before and is not SKSE required I think.