GEOSAT - Earth Online - European Space Agency
GEOSAT-2 was launched in June 2014 and remains operational. The mission is the second satellite of the GEOSAT Earth observation system, following GEOSAT-1, and provides mid-resolution, very-wide-swath imagery. The GEOSAT series …
GEOSAT - Earth Observation VHR Imagery
Processing of Image, Data and Analytics at GEOSAT control center. Receive Image, Data & Analytics directly at your desktop. Request Images or Services here. Do you want to capture an image? Contact our team. Do you want to see our archived data? Browse our catalogue. Contacts. Telephones +351 215 943 213 +34 983 548 923. Email.
GEOSAT Overview - Earth Online - European Space Agency
2009年7月29日 · GEOSAT-1 was the first satellite of the second generation of the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC). The DMC is an international programme of Low Earth Orbit satellites. Working together, the network has the capability to provide a daily global imaging capability for rapid-response disaster monitoring and mitigation.
GEOSAT-1 - Earth Online - European Space Agency
The GEOSAT-1 mission objectives are commercial with the optical satellite images aimed at services and applications in maritime, agriculture, environment and forestry within the Iberian Peninsula region and Europe. There is a common design of the GEOSAT-1 and UK-DMC-2 spacecraft. Both spacecraft are developed to carry out a commercially-focused ...
Geosat - Science@NASA
2023年8月2日 · The studies made on GEOSAT data are numerous and the GEOSAT data set is regarded as a milestone in both satellite oceanography and satellite geodesy. Geosat was a US Navy satellite designed to measure sea surface heights to within 5 cm. After a one-and-a-half year long classified mission for the Navy, Geosat's scientific Exact Repeat Mission ...
Cabinet géomètre-expert, topographie, cartographie, 3D... | Geosat
Grâce à une approche novatrice de photogrammétrie et topographie, le Groupe Geosat crée des modèles tridimensionnels d’une précision exceptionnelle, offrant ainsi une résolution inégalée de notre environnement. Cartographie Mobile 3D - By Geosat. Demander une DEMO.
Geosat - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Geosat(英語: GEOdetic SATellite ),亦称大地测量卫星,是美国海军在1985年至1990年间运营的卫星测高任务 [3] ,主要用于军事、大地测量学和海洋学方面的研究,具体目标包括为海军提供全球的格网测高数据、研究海洋锋面、漩涡、风浪、冰川地形及海面地形等 [4] 。 Geosat在当地时间1985年3月12日从 ...
Geosat - Wikipedia
The GEOSAT (GEOdetic SATellite) was a U.S. Navy Earth observation satellite, launched on March 12, 1985 into an 800 km, 108° inclination orbit, with a nodal period of about 6040 seconds. The satellite carried a radar altimeter capable of measuring the distance from the satellite to sea surface with a relative precision of about 5 cm. The ...
2021年2月27日 · Geosat; ERS-1; Topex/Poseidon; GFO; ERS-2; Envisat; Jason-1; 2. 目前测高任务. Jason-2; Cryosat-2:Cryosat-2是欧洲航天局建造的一颗测高卫星,专门用于极地观测。它开始了一项为期三年半的任务,以确定地球大陆冰盖和海洋冰盖厚度的变化,并检验全球变暖导致北极 …
At GEOSAT, we are committed to excellence in all our operations, underscored by our ISO 9001 certification. This certification not only reflects our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of quality and efficiency but also serves as a key differentiator that enhances customer trust. We continually strive to exceed expectations ...