Tape J-37 - Arturia
Tape J-37 captures the complex architecture and non-linearities of the legendary Studer J37 tape machine in unprecedented detail. Whether adding subtle tape coloration to a master track or driving the input of a bus or insert with harmonic distortion, Tape J-37 is your go-to tool for bringing tube-driven depth and character to your sound.
北欧雷神——瑞典JA37战机小传 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
JA37“雷电”战机于1979年进入瑞典空军服役,接过前辈J35“龙”式战机的接力棒,为处于北约华约冷战对峙前沿的瑞典撑起一片和平天空。 “雷”式前奏曲. 萨博37“雷”式战机是瑞典空军为了替代萨博32“矛”式攻击机与萨博35“龙”式战斗机开发的一种一机多型战机,从一开始它的设计任务就包括制空,侦查,对地等多种要求。 在瑞典空军委员会的要求下,芬兰飞机设计师对包括三角翼,鸭翼,垂直起降,后掠翼的单发双发构型进行了概念设计,但其中一些概念例如垂直起降很快被枪 …
Arturia Tape J-37 - Gearspace
Tape J-37 captures the complex architecture and non-linearities of the legendary Studer J37 tape machine in unprecedented detail. Whether adding subtle tape coloration to a master track or driving the input of a bus or insert with harmonic distortion, Tape J-37 is your go-to tool for bringing tube-driven depth and character to your sound.
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名正颜顺!优雅永不过时|Arturia Tape J-37简评 - 哔哩哔哩
Arturia releases Tape J-37 Tube-driven Studio Effect - Gearspace
2024年12月17日 · Experience the legendary sonic signature of the Studer J37 tape machine. A high-end audio effect with a stunning design, four easy-access tape modes and the option to process your sound with advanced controls.
Tape J-37 arturia - User review - Gearspace
2024年12月24日 · A real Studer J37 had signal-to-noise levels in the 60-65 dB range (rms unweighted) at 7-½ and 15 ips respectively using the best tape formulations available. With Tape J-37 you can turn noise totally off or add a wide range of noise levels.
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GER Class G58 - Wikipedia
The GER Class G58 (LNER Class J17) is a class of 0-6-0 steam tender locomotives designed by James Holden for the Great Eastern Railway in England. The class consisted partly of new locomotives built from 1905 to 1911 and partly of rebuilds of …
DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Rotrex Supercharger Kits for J-Series
Our Top Mount and Bottom Mount style vehicle specific "DIY" (do-it-yourself) Rotrex based supercharger kits are meant to help you begin the process of supercharging one of the following:
“法式浪漫”还是“吾王宝具”?Arturia全新建模J37磁带机上线!这就 …
J-Series ATI Harmonic Crank Damper Pulley - Gerzy Bear …
Designed and tuned to eliminate crankshaft harmonics that cause parasitic HP loss, ATI Harmonic Crank Super Dampers make use of a durable non-bonded elastomer to absorb torsional and resonant vibrations. The triple band elastomer core in all of our J-series ATI based dampers are rated up to 800hp for Street, NHRA and IHRA racing usage.
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