Get.gg - Getselfhelp.co.uk
We provide a growing range of resources to support your learning and professional practice. GETSELFHELP.co.uk The CBT therapy and self help resources website. Free resources to …
Self Help | Get.gg - Getselfhelp.co.uk
Browse the alphabetical list of pages below and click on the relevant problem or page. Read the CBT introduction page, then work through the CBT Self Help Course. Browse the self help …
GG | Write better git commit messages. Automatically.
Just generate new ones, or ignore them and write your own. Not seeing what you need? Reach out to [email protected] and let's make our suggestion system even better together.
Connect with your people, gear and game - SteelSeries GG
SteelSeries GG helps create better connections with your gear, your people and your game. Improve your aim faster and rank up in your favorite FPS game. Play hundreds of fun …
SteelSeries GG | Welcome
GG bundles all the SteelSeries gaming apps you love into one simple platform. Go on and clip, tune, set up, and share — good game! GG is full of other apps to up your game. Only turn on …
Get up and running with large language models.
Downloads | Get.gg - Getselfhelp.co.uk
Click a link below to go to that section of support file downloads for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Packs Of Documents (Word, PDF, PPT)
STOPP | Get.gg - Getselfhelp.co.uk
Practise STOPP by running through all the steps several times a day, every day...when you don't need it. Gradually, you will find that you can use it for more distressing situations. Like any new habit or skill, it will become automatic over time. Stop!
GG | Documentation
Introduction. Our objective with GG is to deliver an efficient solution for generating commit messages using the AI provider you love. We also provide a configuration file that allows for customization of the commit message generator's functionality.
Installation - GG Docs
Before getting started, obtain a license key by purchasing one from the GG website. The GG CLI is a single executable for Linux, macOS, and Windows that requires only git. Simply download the precompiled binary and move it to a directory in your $PATH (such as /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin) for system-wide access.