bash - getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I …
getopt vs getopts seems to be a religious issue. As for the arguments against getopt in the Bash FAQ: "getopt cannot handle empty arguments strings" seems to refer to a known issue with optional arguments, which it looks like getopts doesn't support at all (at least from reading help getopts for Bash 4.2.24).
getopt - push default value if the argument is not provided
2020年4月13日 · You cannot just give "-a" and leave it without argument rather you just don't mention "-a" at all and inside the script if -a option is not given , you can assign a default value like below:
How do I fix the argument received from getopt?
+1 even though i strongly disagree that the getopts built-in is better than getopt from the util-linux package. /usr/bin/getopt supports --long options, built-in getopts doesn't. the real advantage of getopts over getopt is that getopts is part of the POSIX sh standard, and is available (nearly) everywhere, while getopt is not guaranteed to be ...
Which is the more standard package, getopt or getopts (with an …
2018年5月14日 · Similarly, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (based on Ubuntu based on Debian) also includes getopt but not getopts (and it is the GNU Enhanced version). balter@spectre:~$ which getopt /usr/bin/getopt balter@spectre:~$ getopt -V getopt from util-linux 2.27.1 balter@spectre:~$ which getopts balter@spectre:~$
bash - options with optional values using getopt - Unix & Linux …
2021年7月22日 · I have the following function and would like to look into how options with optional values can be set up using getopt. Would like to have -w taking on default values region -w -- "Text" ...
How do I pass long-style command line options to a bash script …
2019年4月12日 · If you want to use a single dash in front of long options, you can add the -a option to getopt. Also as the host and accountId have required options, they should be followed by a : OPTIONS=$( getopt -a -o '' -l help,host:,accountId: -- "$@" ) (camelCase isn't the best for options, how about just accountid instead of accountId)
How to use getopt in bash command line with only long options?
There is a getopt command in bash command line.getopt can used with short options (such as getopt -o axby "$@"), and can be used with both short and long options (such as getopt -o axby -l long-key -- "$@"), but now I need only long options (i.e. short options don't exist at all), however the command getopt -l long-key -- "$@" doesn't parse --long-key option correctly.
Handling long-options with getopts - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2021年10月30日 · If you're on Linux (and don't care about portability), you could do what roaima suggested in the comments, and use the util-linux version of getopt (without the s). It supports long options too, there's answers showing how to use it in getopt, getopts or manual parsing - what to use when I want to support both short and long options? and in ...
option with GNU getopt - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Even if you could recognize that as an option string, it would be a really bad idea to use the question mark character as a real argument because most shells use this as part of their glob syntax (representing that the character before it is optionally use or not in the match).
Use getopt to directly retrieve option value
2022年6月18日 · There is nothing stopping you from writing your own program or function that searches the command-line for one specific option (and its value, if any), but the reason nobody does it like this is that there's no point - it's easier and more efficient to just parse all the options at once in a loop than to parse/search them as an ad-hoc query ...