Gew98 markings - Arms and other weapons - Great War Forum
2015年12月18日 · Yes Chris, you could probably say these Mauser rifles were the "testing-ground" which fine-tuned the development of the eventual prime German arm, the Gew98 rifle. …
Very Rare Bayonet for Gew98 rifle - Great War Forum
2020年8月24日 · Now, with the photo’s for all to see, we have 3. Maybe 4 Very rare conversions in a group for the Gew98 Rifle! Werder S69/98 Yatagan S71/98 ( standard 71 blade) thanks …
GEW 98 remains - Arms and other weapons - Great War Forum
2015年11月15日 · The Waffenfabrik Mauser production rifles of 1917 were the standard Gew98 that were supplied to the Turks during the war, together with the matching stamped S98/05 …
Rarity of Gew.98's and Lebel's vs SMLE's - Great War Forum
2008年6月8日 · The turks were supplied oodles of gew98's during the great war from 1916 through 1918 primarily by and from Mauser Oberndorf gew98 production. The germans …
Gewehr 98 butt disc - Page 2 - Great War Forum
2011年6月7日 · In collectors circles gew98's , gew88's and kar98a's with turkish provenance are usually annotated as "turked with". Usually it's descriptive of the condition the turks left them …
Danzig 1916 GEW 98 - Arms and other weapons - Great War Forum
2012年10月18日 · Gew98: Thanks so much for the info--greatly appreciated. The serial on the stock matches the receiver and barrel (2726), with the buttplate having a differing, struck …
1915 DWM Gew98 with M1898 bayonet - Great War Forum
2019年3月17日 · So this followed me home today. A 1915 DWM Gew 98 with GG Haenel Suhl M1898 bayonet. Bayonet and scabbard are unit marked, however they are two different units. …
GEW 98 Serial number suffix - Great War Forum
2014年9月9日 · The production of gew98's began in late 1915 at erfurt. From 1915 until 1917 Erfurt predominantly manufactured in regards to gew98's receivers and spares. The scheme …
1917 Gew98 Mauser - Arms and other weapons - Great War Forum
2018年9月10日 · Having been after one for a long while, I recently added a nice deactivated 1917 Gew98 to my collection, with a view to ultimately putting together basic German WW1 kit over …
GEW 98 Stock question - Other Equipment - Great War Forum
2007年1月5日 · Alot of barracks were being constructed and similar structures by US service troops and many gew98 and kar98a rifles had their stocks cut in miter boxes so as to make …