Gëzim Krasniqi | School of Social and Political Science
My research interests lie broadly in political sociology. My more particular interests lie in the sociology of nationalism. I have been concerned with the role of intra-group power competition in shaping nationalist movements' demands and ideological outlook.
Gezim Krasniqi - University of Edinburgh Research Explorer
Gëzim Krasniqi is a Lecturer in Nationalism and Political Sociology. Prior to that he has been the Alexander Nash Fellow in Albanian Studies at the School of Slavic and East European Studies, University College London (UCL).
Gëzim Krasniqi - Google Scholar
G Krasniqi, M Musaj. The eu and Member State Building, 140-162, 2014. 21: 2014: Foreign policy as a constitutive element of statehood and statehood prerogative: The case of Kosovo. G Krasniqi. The foreign policies of post-Yugoslav states: …
Gezim Krasniqi - Lecturer in Nationalism and Political Sociology
View Gezim Krasniqi’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. University of Edinburgh · Experience: The University of Edinburgh · Education: The University...
- 职位: University of Edinburgh
- 位置: The University of Edinburgh
- 人脉数: 385
Gëzim Krasniqi's research works | The University of Edinburgh ...
Gëzim Krasniqi's 17 research works with 250 citations and 521 reads, including: Pro-EU, No Matter What? European Union (Mis)Perceptions in Kosovo
Gezim Krasniqi - ATC Supervisor - Kosovo Air Navigation
ATC Supervisor (RDR - APP - TWR ), OJTI-STDI, Air traffic controller at Pristina International Airport, President of UNICON/SINKON Kosovo Air Traffic Controller’s Union and Association ·...
- 职位: ATC Supervisor (RDR - APP - …
- 位置: Kosovo Air Navigation Services Agency
- 人脉数: 190
Krasniqi, Gëzim - Globalcit
Gëzim Krasniqi is a Career Development Fellow in Sociology at the School of Social and Political Science, the University of Edinburgh. In addition to citizenship, he has a broad interdisciplinary interest in nationalism, ethnic conflict, contested states and state-building, often with empirical focus on South East Europe.
Gëzim Krasniqi | University of Edinburgh - Academia.edu
Gëzim Krasniqi, University of Edinburgh, Sociology Department, Faculty Member. Studies Political Sociology, Nationalism And State Building, and Religion.
Gëzim Krasniqi | University of Edinburgh - Academia.edu
Gëzim Krasniqi, University of Edinburgh: 191 Followers, 13 Following, 21 Research papers. Research interests: Political Sociology, Nationalism And State…
Gezim Krasniqi - Professor - SH.M.L.P "11 Marsi" | LinkedIn
View Gezim Krasniqi’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
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